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"Well I'm not doing it!" Richie argued as the losers' club fidgeted outside the front door of the Bowers' residence.
"Bev should knock." Eddie suggested, "She's the least likely to be beaten up."
"N-no off-offence, Beverly, b-but I think I'm with Ed-Eddie. I doubt Henry or her d-dad would like a group of b-boys at their house."
"Fine." The girl sighed, "You should probably hide at the top of the drive."
The 6 boys quickly agreed and took their positions, not wanting to be seen by Eliza's family. Soon after Beverly knocked, the door was opened by Oscar Bowers.
"Can I help you?" He grunted as he leaned against the door frame.
"Good morning, Sir. I was wondering if Eliza would be able to spend the day at my house?"
"And do what?"
"I was hoping we could, y'know, do girl things like paint each others' nails." She lied as sweetly as she could.
"Alright." He sighed, "Wait 5 minutes."
"Thank you, Sir." She smiled as he returned into the house.
Shortly after, Eliza appeared with a grin, "Marsh."
"Bowers." Bev grinned as they jogged down to where the others were hiding.
"What's the agenda for today?" El sang, skipping ahead.
"Carnival!" Mike announced as he emerged to give his friend a high five.
"Excited, Eddie Spaghetti?" She teased, ruffling the germophobe's hair.
"No." He grimaced, trying to duck out of her hug, "Do you even know all the diseases people might have? Do you know how easy it is for them to spread? What if someone has AIDS and-"
Eliza pulled him tight and kissed his cheek, "Oh! Sorry, Eddie Bear! Did I just pass you one of my STDs?"
Eddie squealed and the rest of the losers (minus Richie) burst out laughing.
"What's got you all merry?" Stan chuckled.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She smirked, her friends eying her with suspicion.
"Sp-spill!" Bill enthused.
Milking the suspense for as long as she could, she turned her back to the teenagers, reached into her bag and gently took something out.
Grinning, she spun around, "Polaroid, baby!"
She proudly showcased the brand new camera, taking the satisfaction from the 6 open jaws surrounding her.
"No. Way." Beverly spluttered.
"Cool, right? My dad has a new girlfriend and she's trying to win me and Henry over with presents. I wanna get some pictures of you guys so I never can forget this summer."
"Well w-what are we w-waiting for?" Bill beamed, and the 8 hastily grabbed their bikes.

"Come on, Richard!" Eliza whined, "You haven't said a word to me all day!"
Richie tried to avoid her gaze as he trailed along the pavement. Ignoring El was probably one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do and he was not enjoying it. He'd tried to distance himself by dragging behind the group but she was insistent on walking by his side. And to make things even worse, the rest of the group had left them alone together.
"Oh no. Have I done something? I'm-" She tried to apologise
but Richie had had enough.
"Eliza. I'm really sorry but I don't think I like you anymore." He stated, his words stern and rehearsed.
The girl opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it again.
"Romantically, of course." He added.
"What?" She choked, not quite knowing what to say.
"I just think we're better off as friends. Or maybe acquaintances."
"So you lied to me?"
"No!" He blurted.
"I don't understand! You were trying to kiss me yesterday!"
As Richie attempted to conjure a response, Eliza recollected the night before.
"Richie?" She sighed, her voice suddenly becoming soft and sympathetic, "What did Henry say to you?"
"N-nothing!" He cried defensively.
"It's not fair!" She exclaimed, more to herself than the boy she was talking to, "He doesn't let he do anything! I'm not 6 anymore!"
She continued to whine about her sibling, her colourful language causing a few parents with small children to tut disapprovingly. Before she could do anything to raise more eyebrows, Richie pulled her into a hug. Her body tensed in shock and her mouth froze slightly open.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, his warm breath on her neck.
"Just wait 'til I tell everyone that Richie Tozier is a secret softie." She mumbled into his chest.
He pulled back, horror plastered across his freckled face, "You wouldn't dare!"
El simply winked before running into the crowd, the panicking boy close behind, "You can't catch me, Tozier!"

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