Chapter 9

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Mike sat in the waiting room along with his band mates. Its had been several hours and still no word on April's condition. Finally, after what felt like forever
to Chester,Mike, Brad, Rob, Dave, and Rob the doctor came out. His exspresstion was hard to read and Chester got a knot in his stomach the April hadn't made 
it. Everyone's heart seemed to stop when the doctor got to them.
"Are you family of April Bennington?" Asked the doctor sounding quiet calm.
"Yes, I'm her older brother." Said Chester. 
The other member nodded their heads more worried about how April was.
"Well, I have some good news and bad news...." Said the doctor.
Chester stood up along with everyone else fearing the worst.
"Yes? What's the good news?" Asked Chester.
"The good news she will make it but....she only has a few broken ribs, a broken arm and some deep cuts. They can be fixed but..SaidSaid the doctor pausing.
"What? What is it? What's the bad news?" Begged Chester.
"She's in a coma. We aren't sure how long she will be out." Replied the doctor.
Chester was spechless. She was in a coma...some people never wake from a coma or they die. He tried to blink back the tears forming in his eyes.
"I'm sorry but all we can do is wait and see if she wakes up." Said the doctor.
"Thanks doctor." Said Chester.
"You can go see her if you want. She's in room 100." Said the doctor.
The doctor walked off to the nurse station to check a few papers and picked up a clip board and was gone.
Everyone slowly walked into the room April was in. There was small tube going in April's nose and a IV in her arm. There was a machine that was monitoring 
her heart beat.
"My God. We should have never left her like we did." Said Chester placing a hand on April's cheek. 
He let out a small sigh looking at her then said "I think since she's like this the best thing to do is cancel the tour."
"Yeah, besides we all need to watch her more careful until this freak is caught and put in jail." Said Rob.
"Or we find him and kill him first!" Said Brad anger in his voice.
Chester yawned still standing with his hand on April's cheek. The other guys seemed quite tired also since they hadn't got any sleep and it was almost 8:00am.
"Why don't you guys go back to the hotel? I'll stay here and watch April." Said Mike finally speaking.
Everyone was shocked that Mike had actually spoke. Then realized what he said.
"Are you sure, man? Your looking kinda tired your self." Said Joe.
"I'm sure. I can deal with it. Go on, go get some rest! I'll call if I hear anything or she wakes up." Said Mike.
Everyone said their goodbyes and then Chester, Joe, Brad, Dave and Rob left the room.
Mike sighed then picked a chair up placing a chair next to April's bed, sitting down in it.
He took her hand and gently suqezzed it looking at her face.
"I know you can hear hear me out. After you wake up from this coma I'm going to watch over you more closly. I should have been there with you so this
would have never happend and you wouldn't be a coma." Said Mike.
He looked down at the ground. He yawned a bit placing April's hand back up on the bed then leanded back into the chair and started to doze when he heard a call phone
ring. Mike reached into his pocket and grabbed April cell phone. He looked at who was calling, it read "Trish-676-9289." Mike remebered April talking about a girl named
Trish and that she was her best friend. He turned on the phone and placed to his ear.
"Hello?" Asked Mike.
" April there?" A Tri Trish.
Mike stopped and looked over at April. He sighed knowing he had to tell Trish about what happend to April.
"I know your not going to believe me but I'm with her in the hospital. She was attacked last night by someone who raped her 5 days ago." Said Mike.
"What? Is her brother there?" Asked Trish.
"No, he went back to the hotel. I'm staying with her and watching her. She' a coma." Said Mike.
There was along pause on Trish's line. Mike waited for her to asked something else but she didn't.
"I'll be there in a few minutes. What hospital is she at?" Asked Trish.
"She's at Harbor Hospital." Relpied Mike.
"Ok. Thanks. I'll be there in 2 hours." Said Trish then she hung up.
Mike turned the cell phone off and placed it back into his pocket and began to doze again. He finally fell a sleep for a few minutes. Then he jumped a wake looking at April.
Then door suddenly was pushed open and a girl with dark shoulder leinght hair walked in. She must have been April's best friend. She walked in looking at April her her mouth 
open in shock never noticing Mike sitting there. 
He clearned his throat looking at Trish. She glanced over at him and almost jumped at the sight of seeing him sitting there.
"Mike? What....are you doing here?" Asked Trish.
"I'm here watching over April to see if she will wake from her coma while Chester gets some sleep. We've been up all night waiting for her condition but I stayed to watch 
her." Said Mike.
Trish sighed looking down at April then noticed the bandage going across her neck and her arm on a cast.
"What happend to her?" Asked Trish looking over at Mike for answers to the injeries.
"She was attacked by this guy last night on out tour bus after we had left to check in to the hotel. She went back to get her purse. This guy had raped her also and she wasn't soppoced to
tell anyone or he was going to kill her but I got there before he could kill her." Said Mike.
"Thank you for helping her,Mike. She's my closet friend I have." Said Trish.
"Your welcomee'se's pretty special to me also. I care about her a lot. Not that she's Chester's sister and that I have to like her or he'll kick my ass. I like her because she's just got such
a great personallity that no one could hate her and you always enjoy being around her." Said Mike as he picked her hand up kissing it lightly.
"Wow. So you and her...are dating?" Asked Trish.
"Yeah we are." Said Mike with a smile.
Trish smiled also when Mike jumped then said "Oh my God!"
"What's wrong?" Asked Trish.
"I felt her squeeze my hand! She squeezed my hand!" Said Mike.

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