Chapter 20

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**** Few hours later *****

April woke up feeling thursty. She looked over at Mike who was asleep now. She got up off the bed, feeling around on the floor for something to put on. Coming across Mike's shirt, she
picked it up and put it on buttoning it up. It was actually big on her. She smiled looking over at Mike as he slept soundly, curled up. Then she walked out of the room down to the kitchen, 
feeling around for a light. Finding the switch on the wall, she flipped it on. Bright light lite filled the kitchen up as April walked over to the cabnet and getting a class from there. She reached over to
the sink and filled the cup up with some water and took a drink. She stood there thinking when she heard someone at the door, like they were trying to pick the lock. Getting scared of who it 
might be, April grabbed a knife from the knife holder waiting whoewhoever it was at the door to come in. After a few minutes she heard the door open and someone walking into the house. There 
was a small click as the door was shut. April's heart began to beat harder with every sound she heard. Her mind began to flash horrible pictures back to the night when she was almost 
killed, all the torment that happened. 
'Oh God, he knows where I'm at! He's going to come back and get me! I can't let him hurt me anymore!' Thought April. 
She got into a stance waiting for her attacker to come and get her but this time she was going to fight him. Finally he came to the kitchen. He looked over at her and smirked as she glared at him.
"Oh so your going to try and stop me from killing you huh?" He said with a wicked laugh.
He walked over to her and tried to grab the knife from her but she swung it at him, only to miss. She glared up at him as he laughed at her miss then grabbed her hand, taking the knife out of 
her hand. He let out an evil laugh as he held the knife to her neck, pushing it hard into the skin. April tired to moved around to get free from his graps but he was too strong. He though the knife 
down to the floor where April could reach it. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. April began to cry seeing the gun. 
"You had to go and tell someone now I have to kill you. If you kept your fucking mouth shut, none of this would be happening. God, your so fucking stupid!" He Said.
"Ron, I'm not the one who is stupid! YOU ARE!" Screamed April as she stompped on his foot.
He let go of her and she quickly turned around and kicked him in-between his legs as hard as she could then she took off to the stairs about ready to run up them. She looked over at Ron from
the stairs as he sat there holding himself, laying in a ball. He looked over at, glaring. She ran up the stairs into the room Mike was in. April ran over to the side Mike was on and shook him hard, 
looking over at the door making sure Ron wasn't there.
"Mike, come on! We got to get out of here and get to the police! Please wake up Mike!" Cried April
"Huh? What's wrong?" Said Mike half asleep. 
"Mike, Ron is here! He's in the house!" Said April.
Mike sat up quickly fully a wake, looking and listening for Ron. He didn't hear anything. Mike looked at April fear in her eyes again.
"April, I don't hear anything or see anng. ng. Are you sure you didn't have a dream?" Said Mike placing a hand on hers.
She didn't get a chance to anwser as Ron walked into the room, laughing.
"Of course this is ALL a bad dream and it will soon be over!" Said Ron as he walked in.
Mike looked over at the door and seen Ron standing in the room with a smirk on his face and his gun still in hand. April's eyes got wide as she ran to the foot of the bed to keep Ron from
hurting Mike.
"No you can't hurt Mike!" Cried April.
Ron smiled at her with another evil smile and grabbed her. She screamed as he ran down the stairs quickly. Mike jumped up out of the bed and grabbed his boxers and jeans putting them on and 
running down the stairs to the living room. He looked over to the door and seen it was open.
"Oh!" Screamed Mike as he ran out the door.
He seen Ron running to a near by car, pushing April into the car then he got in and started it up. Mike ran over to the car parked in the drive way and got in. He quickly started it up and pulled out.
He hit the gas and was right on Ron's bumper following him. Ron made a fast turn onto a street and sped up. There was a stop light ahead, Ron ran right throught it as someone blew their horn at
him as someone was going to go. Mike stopped and waited as the person drove past him trying to keep his eyes on Ron's car. Once the car passed Mike ran the light as he sped down the road 
after Ron.
"I'm not going to let you hurt her, damn it!" Shouted Mike. 
Suddenly he seen the car turn down a street and stop. Mike pulled over and parked the car watching Ron grab April out of the car. She began to fight with him but she wasn't doing much to stop
him as he grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the car. He walked quickly into the building, dragging April with him. Mike's heart broke as he seen her tears streaming down her face. He 
jumped out of the car, running into the building.

*~*~April's POV~*~*
So this is where I am finally going to die? This is where I'm going to bleed to death all due to me being the weak ass that I am! God, Mike where are you? You said you'd protect me from this ass!
Well, why aren't you hear kicking this stupid fuckers ass like you did last time? Maybe my death was meant to be...maybe I'm really not supposed to be here on this planet...Oh God, just get it 
the fuck over with now! I don't care. I'm not strong enough to fight Ron and who knows where the hell Mike is! He must have lost us somewhere. My last bit of hope of getting out of this, to miss
being almost killed like last time. Well, I guess the only thing left for me is ready myself to what is going to happen next but what will he do first? Rape me again then kill me or torment me to 
death or just fucking kill me on the spot and leave my corpse here to bleed until the cops find it all rotted and decayied. Well, oh well whatever he does I hope its quick! Can't say painless. Shit,
he's going to either cut me up with a knife or shoot me with a gun! God, let me die now before Ron can kill me!
*~*~End April's POV~*~*

Mike ran into the building and seen Ron standing in the building, thinking or something. Maybe he could get in there and take him on by surprise and get April out of there. He looked over at April
as she laid on the floor crying waiting for Ron to do something but what? Mike didn't wait to find out as he ran into the open room after Ronril ril looked up and seen Mike run into the room at
Ron. Mike grabbed Ron's hand taking the gun out of his hand. He held the gun at Ron's forhead, giving him a angry look. Mike was caught off guard after Ron's other hand came up and tried to hit 
him. He ducked out of the way then noticed Ron's hand go into his pocket to get something. Mike's eyes got wide when he seen Ron had pulled out a knife. He looked at Ron as he laughed 
at Mike.
"Man, you must want to die ad asd as that stupid whore over there does!" Said Ron. 
Mike's anger grew when Ron said whore. April wasn't a whore and he wasn't going to call her that! He flung his free hand up and hit Ron right in the nose. Ron cried out in pain but nothing was broken.
He staggered back a little then looked up at Mike with a glare that could kill. He rammed the Knife up at him and it went into Mike's leg,deeply. Mike cried out in pain as he felt the knife cut into his flesh. 
Ron laughed as she watched Mike drop to the floor, trying to keep the bleeding down. Ron looked over in April's direction to see she wasn't there. He looked around for her, not finding her anywhere.
"Well, looks like she's ran off somewhere. Eh, well, Mike looks like your gonna get it! You should have just stayed out of this!" Said Ron as he walked over to Mike.

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