Chapter 22

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*****3 weeks later*****

April sat with Mike in the living room of Mike's house ready to watch a movie along with Chester and Trish. Joe, Brad, Rob, and Dave where also
there with them. Mike smiled watching April as she ran back into the living room with some popcorn and sodas. She gave the sodas out to everyone
who wanted one then the bowls of popcorn. Mike stood up then let out and nervous sigh. He walked over to Chester and tapped his shoulder.
Chester looked up at him.
"Chester, can I talk to you really quick?" Asked Mike.
"Yeah, sure. I'll be right back guys!" Said Chester as he got up and walked off with Mike.
Mike lead them into the kitchen and made sure no one could hear them or see them. Then he looked over at Chester with a nervous look on his
"Chester, I'm kinda nervous about something that I want to ask April." Said Mike looking down at the floor.
"What? You want to ask April to have sex? I'm sure woe would, you guys have been going out for a long time." Said Chester as he laughed.
"No, that's not it. I wanted...I wanted to ask her to marry me but I'm nervous about it." Said Mike.
Chester grinned really big then hugged Mike. Mike hugged him back and gave him a half smile. The hug really didn't make things any better. Mike
still had the nervous feeling in his stomach. He looked at Chester waiting for his answer.
"Mike, why are you nervous? You know damn well she's going to say yes! Shit! She loves you to dead!" Said Chester.
"Yeah, your right. Well, better get out there and ask her!" Said Mike.
Chester nodded as Mike began to turn around and go back into the living room. Chester followed along sat sat back down next to Trish, putting his
arm around her shoulder. She smiled and kissed his cheek. Mike walked over to April and looked down at her as she sat there laughing at Joe 
making some kind of joke.
"Guys, could you all be quiet? I gotta ask something really quick." Said Mike as he looked at everyone in the room.
They all got quiet, waiting for Mike to ask his question. Mike let out a sigh then got down on one knee infront of April then he pulled out a red box 
from his shorts. April blinked at him slowly as he opened the box then looking up at her.
"April, your the love of my life. You make me feel good and I'd do anything for you. You give me all the happiness I need in life and..I want you to
be with me for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" Asked Mike.
Tears began to fill April's eyes, as she leaned forward and hugged Mike. He hugged her back tightly.
"Yes, Mike. I will!" Said April.
Mike began to laugh happily hugging her longer. Everyone began to cheer after hearing the news. Mike let go of April and kissed her lips. She kissed
him back tears falling down her face.
The kiss ended as Mike wiped the tears off April's cheeks. She smiled as he placed the ring on her finger then looked over at Chester.
"Well, Chester guess who is your brother-in-law now?" Said April with a big smile.
"Gee, Mike is! Oh no!" Said Chester.
Mike and April laughed and nodded. April looked at Mike. She began to think about what all they had been through. Ron almost killing her the night
of the concert, all the crazy things they did together, the night they both first made love, and the night that Mike was almost killed. So many things
had happened but it actually brought them closer together. Being with Mike had changed her whole out look on life. At first she wasn't going to
start a band, she was just going to go into something she didn't like but Mike somehow influenced her to changed her mind besides he had heard her
singing a Kittie song at a practice with Trish. He even told her that she could be one of the bands on their new tour if she started a band. She talked
to Trish and she was completely happy to do it. It was something that they both wanted to do when they were younger and now they were going to
do it. April couldn't wait to start writing some music for Trish and her to record. They didn't worry about getting a label since Chester said he'd take them to
see Linkin Park's label and get them signed.
April's thoughts were broke as the lights went out and the movie came on. She leaned over onto Mike as he placed an arm around hlayilaying his hand on her stomach.
She let out a sigh looking at the bandaged spot in Mike's leg. It was doing pretty good and there wasn't any nerve damage to it. He was lucky thought. The knife 
came very close to cutting a major nerve in his leg. April thanked God that it was missed. She leaned down a bit to the bandaged leg and kissed it gently, not 
wanting to cause any pain in it for Mike. He looked down at her and smiled. 
Brad looked over at April and Mike and seen April leaned down and since it was dark in the room, it made it hard to see. He smirked a little then said something.
"Hey, if you guys are going to do that go up stairs besides this movie is horror, not porn!" Said Brad as he laughed.
Everyone looked over at April and Mike as April jerked her head up from Mike's knee hopping that no one else seen anything and think she was doing something
'else'. She must have not been fast enough because everyone began to laugh. April blushed a bright red and got up running out of the room into the kitchen. Mike got
up and began to walk off to the kitchen.
"Oh, look who is going to go get some! Whoo!" Shouted Brad with a big smile.
"Delson, you better watch out! I can still kick your ass!" Joked Mike.
"Ok come bring it on then!" Said Brad as he fell over laughing.
Mike just smirked as he walked off into the kitchen. When he got there April wasn't there. He stood there thinking about where she could be hiding when she jumped out of the closet, grabbing his
shoulders. He jumped when her heard her scream jumping out. He quickly turned around and pulled her close, smiling. She giggled as he started to tickle her.
"Ahhhh! Mike!" Squealed April.
"I told you I would get you someday." Said Mike as he smiled at her.
She just smiled back and hugged him tightly. She looked up at him almost in tears again. Mike looked down at her and wondered why she looked like she was going to cry. 
"Mike, I wanted to thank you...for everything. For once I found someone who showed me love. After my break up with my boyfriend before I got to see you again, I felt that there was no one
who was going to love me, then when Ron raped me my whole world crumbled to the ground. It was even gettinrd trd to pretend that I was happy. Then I met you again after many years, the wonderful Mike Shinoda
came into my life and rebuilt my whole world, showed me what love really was....I practically owe you my life for all you've done." Said April.
"April, you don't owe me anything. The only thing I want out of you is for you to be happy. That's it, that's all I ever want." Said Mike as he kissed her forehead.
"Then I guess I gave you that, I'm completely happy now that you showed me love again." Said April.

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