Chapter 13

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"So you think April shouldn't go back to her college?" Asked Trish as she walked across the street with Chester.
Chester and Trish had walked around the whole outside of the hospital and still didn't want to go back into the hospital so they just
decided to go to a dinner and chill out.
"Yeah, I think its only safe for her to do that. That guy goes to the same college as her and I don't want her to get attacked there 
and no one to be there to help her." Said Chester.
"Yeah, I wish I could have been there to help or save her so this would have never happend. I feel so bad now. This guy nearly killed
her. I hope the cops get him!" Said Trish anger in her voice.
"Geez, You really want to get this guy, huh?" Asked Chester as they sat down in a booth at the dinner.
"Oh hell yes! She's my best friend! We've been friends for such a long time and I couldn't lose her." Said Trish her voice more softer.
Chester smiled at Trish. He knew how long Trish and April had been friends. April was actually the best person in the world to be friends with.
She had always supported Chester in what he wanted to do and when he got into music, she cheered him on more. Both of them had
a love for music. The better way to exspress their feelings even though April hadn't yet started a band. April and Trish had talked 
about it and started one but never had the time to practice or write music. Now after her being raped she'd have something they could 
both write about. 
Chester let out a sigh and looked over the menu to see if there was anything that he would want. Nothing seemed to sound good
and he wasn't too hungry either so he just got a soda along with Trish.
"I actually wounder what all happend. I mean how'd she get raped and why? I know she might not know why he did this but I 
wanna know why. Its not fthatthat it happend to her." Said Chester.
The waiter walked over with thier soda's and sat them down in front of them giving Chester a odd look.
"Dude, Are you Chester Bennington from Linkin Park?" Asked the waiter.
The waiter actually looked young for his age, about 16 or 17 and must have been a fan of Linkin Park. Chester let out a sigh and 
answered the waiters question.
"Yes, I am." Replied Chester.
He loved the fans but he really wasn't in the mood to talk to any fan right now with all that had happend to his sister. He was more worried about
finding the guy who had hurt his sister more then talking to a fan.
"Dude, you rock so much! Oh hey I wanted to ask you something." Said the waiter.
"Yeah? Ask away." Said Chester trying to sound some what joyful when he really wasn't feeling it.
"You cancled the rest of your tour, right?" Asked the waiter.
"Yes, we did." Replied Chester.
Trish just sat there watching Chester. She could tell he was getting kinda annoied with the guy and all his questions.
'This is what I'm gonna have to get used to if I start a band! I hope I can be that calm!' Thought Trish as she took a drink of her soda.
"Why did you have to cancel? My girlfriend was looking forward to your show in Bakersfield." Said the waiter. (This fic is in Cali. where LP lives.)
"We had to cancel due to some family problems. I am truely sorry but we had no choice. We should go back on tour soon." Said Chester.
The waiter laughed and said "What? Your sister get raped or something? You don't have a......." The waiter was cut off by Chester.
"I happen to have a fucking sister and she was raped 6 days ago! Then she was attacked by the guy last night and most died!
I think you need to be a little more damn sensitive and not make jokes like that!" Said Chester as he got up from the booth dropping some money down on the talbe and left.
Trish got up and looked at the waiter who was shocked at how Chester was. He was usually nice with fans but this guy seemed to piss him off with the joke he made. 
Trish gave him a look then said "Good doing, ass!"
She walked out and caught up to Chester who was walking quickly to a bench to sit down. Trish looked at his face and seen he was crying. 
'Everything must be getting to him now. I wish there was something I could do.' Thought Trish.
"I swear people can be so fucking rude! Sit there and make jokes about something that really did happen to my sister!" Said Chester as he sat down.
Trish sat down next to him still trying to think of something to say that would make him feel somewhat better but nothing she thought of would help.
"I know Chester. I'm sorry." Said Trish as moved her hand on top of his.
He picked his head up and looked over at her. He felt different around her, like she would make him feel better. 
She gave his a slight smile and squeezed his hand gentally. Chester let out a sigh and said "Thanks."
"For what?" Asked Trish confused.
"You calmed me down. I wanted to go back and beat the hell out of that guy!" Said Chester.
"Oh...your welcome." Said Trish with a small smile.
Chester smiled back then leaned closer to Trish. He kissed her lips gentally letting his eyes slowly close. Trish was shocked about how quickly everthing was happening but 
kissed him back closing her eyes. She opened her mouth a little and let Chester's tongue slide into her mouth. Their tongue's rubbed together lightly and all over each others
mouth. Trish felt Chester's hand move up to her cheek socoulcould have a better grip as he kissed her. She moved her hands around his waits to pull him closer to herself. 
Then ran her hands up his back over the black fabric of his black tank top. She felt chiils run up and down her spine as they continued to kiss. 
After what seemed like forever Chester pulled away looking in Trish's eyes. He never felt like he did before until he met Trish again after so many years. He gave her a caring 
s the then said " I think I"m in with love you..."
*~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~*

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