Hero or Villain?

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 Alex lay on her back gazing at the stars. It was best at night, everything had a new aspect. That and she felt safer. Currently Alex was on top of an apartment block, one that had a communal rooftop terrace. It was places like these she'd stay the night. Up high, so no one could get to her.

Sighing loudly Alex sat up, stretching. She looked out over Gotham. Her mind soon drifted, wondered what life would be like if she had had a childhood. Shaking her head she quickly diminished the thoughts. 

Looking skyward she noticed the bat sign shinning high into the clouds. He must have a pretty exciting life. She mused. Cracking her knuckles then her neck, Alex stood up. She felt the need to go for a little stroll, maybe find a few unfortunate people she could 'help' out. Was that sarcasm? Who knows... It depended on the situation and her mood. 

Alex walked to the edge of the apartment building and slid down the ladder. Alex headed towards the main streets, something was always going on there. Perhaps tonight could be her lucky night. Maybe a billionaire would get shot and she could steal his briefcase of money.

Alex chuckled. Like that would ever happen for her.

Keeping to the shadows she started to stalk. Maybe a rich lady would come out of the theater, turn down an alley and be easy prey. Or maybe the same rich lady would get attacked by some other stalkers, and Alex would come save the day and be rewarded. 

Shaking her head, Alex would do what was best for her.

Suddenly she stopped in her tracks. She'd been prowling up an alley, about to turn the corner when she heard a loud bang. Not a bang of a gun, but an explosion. The noise rippled through her clothes and to her very core.

Peaking around the corner, Alex's eyes lit up. It was a bank robbery! Not very organised by the looks of it, but that made it all the better for Alex to strike. A black van sat on the curb closest to her, back doors open with two duffel bags inside. Looking at the building, the front entrance had been blown apart. 

Quickly, two men dressed in black with balaclavas on rushed out, each holding two more duffel bags. They each threw them into the truck then dashed back inside. Alex did the maths within seconds.

Two men, plus no doubt the driver. I'd have enough time to go up grab two bags..no, one bag in case there's a fourth guy i haven't seen. Can be assumed they'd have guns. Can also be assumed they'd have someone watching the van...I need a better view.

Creeping around the corner, being careful to stay in the shadows, Alex went in for a closer look. Scanning the area there were no others in sight. This kind of chance never came around, she had to take it.

Like a lion she pounced. Sprinting forward, eyes darted around the screen. In a mere few seconds Alex was at the back door grabbing one duffel bag. Suddenly screeching of tires stole her attention. 

Another van smashed into the black one. The force was so strong both vans seemed to mold together. The impact of metal on metal was ear piercing. If Alex had off been one second slower she would have been hit as well. Somehow she'd managed to dive away, duffel bag still clutched in hand. Unfortunately for her she'd dived straight into the gutter. 

Hands out stretched to brace her fall she jarred her wrist into the right angle gutter. Pain shot through her wrist and up her arm. Biting her lip hard she tried not to scream. Cradling her wrist she went to stand, but a shiver shot through her spine. Some unseen force was telling her to stay still. 

Looking over her shoulder she saw the back doors to van that crashed into the other open. One man fell out, lifeless body crashing to the ground. Four more men jumped out. Ice ran through Alex's body. These were no ordinary men. No. They wore the tell tail signs of the Jok-

There was an eruption of laughter coming from one of the figures. If Satan had a laugh, she was sure that was it. The man had a bit of a hunch, he looked different from the others. As the dust settled Alex could see the figures face. Though she didn't need to see his face to know who he was. His hair raising laughter could tell it was only one person, and when he turned around and she saw the white face with black charcoal eyes and red ruby lips she knew it had to be him. It was The Joker.  


A/N: So here it is; my first FanFic. The next chapters are when the real action starts, also i promise there will be dialog! That's why this first chapter is particulary short, but mark my words it does pick up!

Let me know what ya think, or a simple like; or  whatever floats your boat!

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