A Melody

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Assumptions and expectations
Surround me like a thick cloud
Suffocating me.
I've been masked
Hiding my real self
I've been judged
Leaving out my unseen
I've been told over and over
To do what I'm expected to do
To be how I'm supposed to be
So many voices echoing
In the darkness, as it embraces me
Giving me instructions
Framing me a future
But there's that one voice
Soft and sothing like a melody
Lulling me, despite the other noises
It takes me to my dream world
And I'm elated to be there
So I listen to it carefully
Disregarding the others
Letting that voice amplify
As it rips off my mask
Revealing me, the real me
Judging me for what I really am.
Oxygen filling my lungs,
Even though there are clouds
I can breathe, in and out
They don't suffocate me
No, not anymore
Because I follow the melody
That my heart sings.

I asked this wonderful person UnicornThatLovesBTS to critique my book and that was so much encouraging and helpful. It was wonderful to read all your comments, I'm more than glad. And hey guys if you want your book to be critiqued go checkout this awesome book 'Constructive Critiques' there are so many critics to help you out with your work. This amazing and sweet UnicornThatLovesBTS is also out there. So go get your books critiqued.

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