A Warrior

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They've always set
the bars so low
for a girl
impeding her right to fly
they smothered her power
telling her to be a princess
when she is but a warrior
they hide her behind
the covers of fragility
when she is but
an embodiment of robustness
they made her deny her ownself
by protraiting her helpless
waiting for a man
to be the knight in the shining armour
have you ever seen her
dodging abuses admidst
those so-called heroes
have you ever seen her
shielding her feminity
from the vicious claws
of these demons
I guess you never saw
because you were too busy
imagining her to faint
at the first sight of blood
while she is creating
life out of her own.

         - for people who say girls can't do things.

I've written this in an instance when a relative of mine spoke less of girls, I don't like that person very much but atleast a poem has been written because of that person.

Trust me, we girls have suffered through alot of things and we still stand tall because we are brave and strong, and girls if anyone tells you that you are weak just prove them that you are not, you don't need to tell them anything just do it and show them.

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