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Hate is heavy
it pins you on to the ground
even if you put so much strength
in climbing the stairs
you would be still on the first step
as if your legs are glued to the ground
but unlike hate
love is light
as light as a helium balloon
the more you love
the more lighter you feel
the love you give comes back to you
and it pumps your legs extra strength
and in no time you'd be on the top.

Even though some people are meant for that heavy word hate, don't hate anyone, it may ruin us and our peace of mind. Let go of the hatred and be the best you can be around them, show off your beautiful smile and someday they may regret not being a part of your happiness. That's the real revenge, showing them what you are capable of. Sometimes it's good to have strong critics they just bring out the fire in you. So don't hate anyone, it definitely is not worth carying on your shoulders.

Love you all!💖 Thankyou for reading!😊

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