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I laid on my stomach because my butt was too sore to sit on. Wet tears slid down my face and all I could feel was pain and betrayal. I had been betrayed by Corrine. She shouldn't have snitched on me. Now I know I couldn't trust her with anything.

I grabbed my notebook and laid there thinking about what to write. All that was on my mind was Corrine.

~ She's a witch. She's a snitch. Lord forgive me but Corrine is a bitch. She told on me to be spiteful. Next time I'll be more mindful. I'm really pissed because of Corrine who snitched. A cookout I will not attend because Corrine snitched at the end. She's a witch she's a snitch. Now I know she's a disloyal, mean bitch.

I threw my journal down and eased down off of the side of the bed. My butt hurt as I began to walk. This was really something I could not overlook. It was futile to get revenge but I was only concerned about my butt.

Each step that I took was painful, but I made it to the bathroom. I carefully stripped down and examined my butt in the mirror. It was red and you could see marks from the buckle of the belt. I touched it and yelped.

"Quit screaming in my house," Mama yelled out of nowhere.

I held in my words of anger because she'd probably be able to hear that too. I wish Mama would beat Corrine, but no it's always beat Mercy. Well Mercy says no. That's not how this is going to go. Corrine will get beat, even if I have to beat her myself.

I started some bathwater and grabbed my Caress body wash. After fixing my bath, I got in and felt so much better. I just sat in it, leaning against the wall sighing.

"Surprised you're even alive," I hear Corrine joke.

I opened my eyes to see her standing at the door smirking at me. I just reacted, I threw the body wash, hitting her in the face. She stumbled back, shocked and then came running at me. Now I'm not a fighter but when I do engage in combat I win.

"You little bitch," Corrine yelled at me.

I hopped out the tub just as she hit me in the face. I must admit that I did eat up that punch, but after that I got in my hits. I punched her and dragged her by her hair onto the floor.

"Get off me," she screamed.

"You thought you could snitch and walk away untouched?! Hell nah," I yell back.

I beat her in her face and she grabs my hair trying to get the best of me but I wasn't moved.

I was still whooping her when Mama came and yanked me off. It wasn't until then, I remembered the pain in my butt. Mama slapped us both but beat Corrine for getting beat up by me. Success. Beat not only once but twice!

"You two better get dressed and look nice. Your brother Javon will be home any minute. Shit...around here fighting, made me mess up my got damn shirt!" She stormed away.

I immediately emptied the tub and went to go get dressed. I threw on a flower dress and put my hair in a ponytail. Javon always said he liked to see me in dresses. I looked more feminine that way.

Javon was in the army. He was deployed to Afghanistan for a few months and now he's finally coming back home. Just thinking of seeing him again caused me to feel so giddy. Out of all the family I have, Javon is my favorite. I love him so much.

For a while I laid on my bed thinking of what I would say to him when I saw him. Would I be able to speak at all? Would he be happy to see me? Was he going to look different? Millions of questions floating around in my head yet no possible answer. All this thinking made me nervous and I began daydreaming.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize someone was standing at the door. I continued to not notice until they knocked. My head snapped up and once I saw who it was I screamed.


I jumped up on my brother giving him no time to recover as I attacked his cheeks and forehead with kisses.

"Oh my gosh," I said on the verge of crying.

The whole time he laughed and hugged me back.

"Missed me?"

He set me down and I nodded feeling the tears coming in. I started to laugh but it came out as a cry and I started bawling.

I hugged him some more and he rubbed my back.

"Was I really gone that long, shug-bug," he asked causing me to snap my head up at him.

"Of course you were. I missed you. You can't leave me here anymore. It's been crazy without you."

"Okay. Come on let's go to the living room," he said leading the way.


We ate, talked, watched TV, and played a few games. We were just about to chill and ask Javon more questions about Afghanistan, but he had news for us.

"Okay listen up...Mom, Corey, and shug. I know you guys missed me because I was gone so long --- especially shug-bug. So I have decided..."

Oh good Lord Jesus, he's going to say it. I pray he says it.

"...that I..."

I'm on the edge of my seat patiently waiting for him to spit the words out just so I have a reason to yell in Mama's house.

"...am going to stay home as long as possible."

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