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"I'm scared," I say as he pulls me over to the bed. So many thoughts were running wild in my head. I needed to just bail so I yanked away and head straight for the door. Just as my hand gripped the knob, he turned me back around and stared at me annoyed.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad," I say about to cry.

"I swear if you start crying, I will send you over to Marcus's house and he lives with a bunch of guys. And stop apologizing. What's up with that?"

I hold my head down and bite my lip. Why did I apologize? Come to think of it, I stay apologizing. It's always when I cry or if I unintentionally upset someone that I apologize.

He backs off and sighs climbing into the bed.

"I don't even care. Sleep in my bed or don't sleep in my bed. Makes no difference to me," he said and shut his eyes.

I stood there for a good hour and then I finally creeped into bed. When I did he woke up a lil, his hazel eyes watching me get under the covers.

"D-Don't stare. It makes me feel weird," I mumble.

He chuckled and it sounded like a deep rumble in his chest. He didn't stop staring though.

"I have a question. Why didn't you ask me how could I just kill a dude like that? And why not ask why and where I got a gun in the first place," he asked still staring.

I stared at him. Maybe it'd be better to just tell him the truth. The truth being I've seen him kill someone before. Or maybe I could lie --- say that I'm use to it? Both would be the truth but one isn't the whole truth.

"I saw you do if before," I say unable to lie at the moment.

He just stared at me and I felt my heart beating fast again. Would he kill me now?

"You not scared of me?"

I hesitate but give him a small nod.

He laughed dryly before shutting his eyes.

"Well believe me...I wouldn't hurt you. You're too cute."

I sat there staring intently waiting for his hazel orbs to peek out from underneath his long lashes. Instead he went back to sleep and I was left feeling uncomfortable and at the same time giddy.

After being the only one up for a while, I went to sleep.


I woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. I looked around noticing that I wasn't home and last night was not a dream. I really did almost get raped, kicked out, and I slept in Dominic's bed with him.

"Morning Ma," Dominic said pulling a shirt on and brushing his waves.

"What time is it," I ask rubbing my eyes.

"It's 7:45. Go ahead and get ready so I can walk you to school," he says looking at me.

I swung my legs over the bed, seeing he'd gotten my bags from the living room. I dig around in it and grab the stuff I need to do my hygiene.

"Where's the bathroom," I ask staring at him as he continued to brush his waves.

"Come on 'cause I have to wash my face anyways."

I followed him into the bathroom. His bathroom smelled really good. I stood at the sink and Dominic was behind me grabbing a blue rag from off the wall.

"Dominic, y'all food is done!"

I jumped at the unexpected voice.

"Thanks Shauna," he yelled back.

I took my tooth brush and ran it under the water. He grabbed some soap and made the rag soapy before washing his face.

I brushed my teeth and my tongue until I hit the back of my throat causing myself to gag. I ran the water and bent over a little spitting out the toothpaste. As I bent over I felt Dominic up against me.

I quickly move and rinse out my mouth.

"Damn. You got a fat ass," he mumbled.

I look up and he's staring at my butt. I wipe my mouth and quickly move, glaring at him. He chuckled and winked at me.

"Stop, okay, that's nasty. My butt's not even big. And how do you expect me to feel after last night."

"You should trust me. I mean you trusted me before when I kissed you," he said rinsing his face.

"That was different," I mumble incoherently.

Dominic dried off his face and walked over, holding the side of my face and kissing me. I pull away and turn my head biting my lip. I felt like kissing him would be wrong. Last night made me feel like a hoe and now I feel even more like a hoe kissing Dominic --- a guy I barely know.

"Damn. My feelings are hurt," he said joking with me and walking out. When he left, I started to wish that he'd stayed but oh well.

I groaned quietly and continued finishing up my hygiene.


School went by fast. My mind was really only on getting out so I could go and just get some more rest.

When I walked out of the school I saw Javon's car in the parking lot. I ran over and got in almost immediately. I missed Javon.

"Jay," I yell and jump over the middle console hugging him.

He chuckled and hugs me back. Not even a second later I start crying into his shoulder.

"What's wrong? And this time I mean it. You better tell me."

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