The new sadist Doctor (Chapter 5)

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The photo above is the famous sadist doctor Park Edward

Riku Pov

Right now, i'm currently holding a sheet of paper which that bastard Haru left me. He make me sick, seriously leaving like that without any words. Why should i care?, i'm happy that i didn't saw this face. Well maybe.


Riku, sorry i need to go right now, work called for me and make sure you eat the breakfast. ~

~love you~


I crushed the paper and throw it, and stepped out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom, i stripped myself and turn on the shower to an appropriate temperature and rubs myself with the soap and washes my dye silver grey hair gently to avoid going to the parlor once again to dye it back as the color was fading away. I turn the tap off and stepped out by pushing the transparent door glass and grab the towel wrapping around my slightly muscular torso and looked myself in the mirror took my toothbrush and putted the minty paste on it and scrub all over my teeth.Suddenly i saw a glimpse of teeth mark on my neck. I washed my mouth and my toothbrush and move my body closer at the mirror to see it more clearly. Yup that was teeth mark. That moron must have attack me in my sleep.

I rubbed the mark and open the closet door down the sink and remove the first aid kit, removing an Elastoplast and stick it on my neck to avoid trouble at work.

After putting on my clothes, i climbed downstairs and grabbed my phone along my car keys on the kitchen table, Then, when i suddenly saw food prepared on the table which had a letter on it which has written 'Eat me'. I grab the food tray which had bacon, pancakes and a bowl of mixed fruits. I tried to ignored the food but the growling sound was telling me to dig in.

Okay that was delicious and i was really shock, didn't knew that this brat can cook. I put the plates on wash and took my bag and stepped out of the house.

Arriving at the paking, i parked my car and look the door. Stepping away from the car and lead myself to the hospital.

I prepared myself from getting shouted by Miss Jihoon but she wasn't at the reception.I looked around and nobody were there it was like the hospital was desert. My mind was filling with zoombies story who invaded the hospital.

Suddenly my phone rang and i unlocked my phone. It was Usui.

"Seriously man so this is the time when you got time to call me", i sighed over the phone while looking around to look for alive people.

"Dude you questioned me later, firstly bring yer bouncy ass in the comference room. We are in trouble", he whispered over the phone and hanged quickly.

"Usui--", i replied back but he already hung.

I put my phone on my pocket and quickly ran to my locker to grab my white coat and ran again as if i"m doing marathon to the conference room.

That fucking shit elavator had to stop working when it was me who was getting on and i had to climbed like i don't know how stairs, seriously as if i have time to count.

I step on the last stairs and panted while leaning against the wall. While calming myself i quickly walked to the conference room and pushed the door silently.

Every staffs were already here. When i spotted Usui.
I pshhht him which caused him to turn to the door. I don't know how many time i had to called him. His ears were like wow, he couldn't even listen. Everytime i tried to call him somebody else turned to see where the sound came from and i had to hide myself.

He quickly told Jin who was sitting near him to go and sit elsewhere, poor Jin. Then he signal me to crawled down to not get trouble of being late.

I quickly crawled down and checking while moving. This act reminds me when i was small and my mother had confiscated my phone, so at night when my parents was sleeping i would silently crawled down and move myself to the drawer and opened it silently but the snooring of my dad made me ran away then when i looked back and they were still sleeping. I had to retry again and then when mission was accomplished i ran away as fast as I can even if I fall down.
That sure is an old memory.
But thus time i'm doing it in the office where everyone are still awake.

I crawled down behind the chair of someone and suddenly the person pen falls down and he ducked down to picked it up.

I prayed so that he don't see me but it was totally not my day. He saw me.

He was shocked but suddenly his face changed a huge grin was being and that was both creepy and sexy.

The weird thing thing is that he ignored me and return up.

I signed and crawled again until i found my destination.
I quickly sat down and acted as normal as if i was here for ages. I did a quick glance to Usui who sighed and trying not to laugh by putting his hand before his mouth.

The meeting was over and i didn't understand about what they talked about. Yuu's father was here with the man who saw me crawling.

That guy is creepy he was the reason why i couldn't understand anything at the meeting. He was just staring at me and smiling at himself.

Ignoring his present and the old man Mr Souske i walked behind Usui to our office. When suddenly Usui got a message and his eyes widen.

"What happen?", i tapped his shoulder.

"Sorry Riku but i'm leaving early today kay", he was walking away but then i stopped him which caused him to turned to me.

"Usui that's the second time that you are leaving early, please explain this to me", i crossed my hand to my chest.

"Sorry, Riku but i will explain everything to you but right right now i need to hurry", he replied.

"Okey but promised me that you will tell me everything", i stare at him.

"Promise", by that he turn away from me and walked away.

I really need to know what is happening god damn it.

Suddenly Mr Souske appeared before mw with the creepy guy who was still laughing. Now i really think he must go to the mental.

"Riku, this is Edward Park and he is going to replace Yuu for somedays, i guess you will explain everything to him", Mr Souske asked when suddenly one of his men whispered something to him that caused him to left.

I turn to see him going along with his men. How many bodyguards does he want!?

"Hey, Mr crab can i know yer real name", i snapped out from my observation and turn to creepy boy sorry i mean Edward.

"Sorry, i'm Riku, Dr Riku Sterfield", i forward my hand to shake but he grab my hand and kiss it. I quickly removed my hands from his lips and glare at him.

"What do you think you are going Dr Park", i wipe my hand.

"Sorry but i was trying to mark you with my lips", he said while biting his lips in a sexy way.

"Mark!?, you are insane, firstly the day you came late for the operation make me feel more angry",i replied back in disgust.

"Yup insane in love with you, i think i must beg my forgiveness", he bowed "while working here will be interested for me just be careful not to be biten", he whispered to my ears which gave me chills and he went away.

I really need to kill him.
God why you gave me many troubles.



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