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(bc idk where to put this)

Monday, 8:45 AM.

The classroom is hectic. There's no teacher – which means that there's no class. Chattering fills every nook and cranny of the room, consisting of various, jumbled-up voices, as students hang around in their friend groups, talking amongst themselves or scrolling through their smartphones.

Free time is something every high school student cherishes, whether they use the time to play around or study (though in this case, no one is studying). Perhaps they should be studying, since they have math a quiz the period after their lunch break. (On another hand, math is something no high school student cherishes. Don't lie to yourself. You don't actually like math.)

Ten minutes pass and a teacher still doesn't enter the classroom. Looks like it's going to be a free period! The students revel at the thought of free time for a whole 45 minutes.

They've just started getting much louder when there was a loud crack. The entire class is immediately silent, their gazes averting to the door, which has just opened.

A tall, light brown-haired young man walks inside, carrying a laptop bag and a bundle of books and papers. The students' eyes follow his figure as he lays down his things on the teacher's desk in front of the class.

He's attractive. Much too attractive to be a teacher, with his shiny-looking hair styled impeccably so that it shows his forehead, and his chiseled jawline and flawless cream-colored skin. His white dress shirt and blue-grey tie fit him impossibly well, leaving the females in the class wondering how he's able to pull off an outfit while looking so hot. His pants fit him a little too well, leaving the already breathless young women to their fantasies.

He runs his tongue over his rosy lips once, before turning to the students with a handsome dimpled smile. Rolling up his sleeves, exposing his muscled arms, he walks to the front of the whiteboard.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Mr. Kim, and I'll be your English teacher for the rest of the year."


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ur welcome lolz

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