star wars ep 9??

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um so all the Star Wars fans are currently debating on whether or not Reylo will be canon??

I'm like



as much as I love myself a good romance between the main heroine and the main villain (I'm a huge romantic. is that what the term is?) I really think it's highly unlikely that the steadfast, independent and strong Rey will end up with anyone. it would be a bit OOC for her.

really, and with all this new Rey-Poe stuff going on — hey, I'd love a relationship to bloom between them, because I initially thought they'd be a good pairing — but let's face it: hardly any good relationship development can happen in ONE movie. it's a dead-end. maybe a little spark of romance, but it will be brief, and that's it. besides, if I were him I wouldn't wanna date someone who has a VERY intimate Force-bond with the emotionally troubled Supreme Leader of the First Order.

plus, they Rey-Finn ship has already been debunked. both ridley and boyega have said that the two are just friends. and I honestly love that. they have a profoundly beautiful relationship, something that more movies should implement in their stories. we need more platonic men-woman relationships.

as for Reylo — lets see, this one is quite difficult to completely debunk since the majority of the last jedi was basically building up and expanding on their relationship and 'strange connection'. we can ALL agree on that extremely obvious sexual tension between the two (that was slightly evident in the force awakens, but a hundred times more amplified in the last jedi), and that incredibly intimate hand touching scene. but let's just look at the fact that Kylo Ren is a mass murderer who also happened to kill his father, was and probably still is bent on ruling the galaxy, and basically mind-raped Rey (DONT @ me on this, I'm not referring to the act as sexual, just a violation of privacy). Rey does NOT deserve him as he is (if anything, please don't ship Reylo, but if you really insist ship Rey-Ben instead). we all see that in the last scene, where the two had a silent staring contest for a moment, Rey ultimately closed the door of the Falcon on him — shutting him out. I do believe, though, that she was shutting /Kylo Ren/ out — not Ben Solo.

I'm certain that Ben will have a redemption arc — Star Wars did NOT kill off Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (and Leia will most likely follow soon) and leave who they believed in still on the Dark Side. because no, that's not how Star Wars works; the entire trilogy is aimed at 12-year-olds, and it has always focused on the fairytale-like essence of hope, and that it exists even in the darkest of times. so yes, Ben Solo WILL come home. and yes, it will be because of Rey. but that does not mean Rey-Ben will happen.

if anything, the trilogy will have a happy ending, with Rey preferably single and happy and strong, and Ben back on the right track, a cute Finn-Rose relationship and Poe kicking it off with someone because letsbehonest nO ONE can resist his charm, AND hope and the Jedi Order restored in the galaxy.

so that's why I think Rey will end up with no man. and she's happy with that. we're happy with that. it also gives a pretty good message.

aaand that's the end of my unnecessarily long statement/rant about my thoughts on the subject. dw I'm still an avid kpop fan and army, I just had to let my geek side shine through. oh BOY, wait till Infinity War comes out. you'll be seeing WAY more of these.

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