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okay so do y'all remember metanoia??

the applyfic I deleted because it was way too dark??

yeah uh

about that

just to give you a small image, one of the scenes in the dream that I based it on was one where the king of wrath (a character in the dream) was legit eating his servant alive by ripping her flesh with his bare hands and just fuckin

stuffin that shit into his mouth

and there's a shitload of scenes where the kings I based the l/is use all these torture methods to punish disobedient servants?? the king I based namjoon off was actually comparable to a mad scientist and treated his servant like a test subject to satisfy his curiosity

I mean the ending of the dreams was sorta happy? but still inconclusive and I just—

idek why I thought it was a good idea to publish this in the first place

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