Holy Shit (Donnie)

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(This was oringally written in 2017)

MikeyIsWifey >ω<_:
What do you think happened to them?

Are they really gone :-\

I haven't heard any new news on them in days!!! :O

They've gone missing for days at time before... :-\

I wonder what there planning...

Knowing them it has to be something AWESOME!! ≧ω≦  
      ↪IKR (*^∀゚)ъ
     ↪ AGREED!! ('ω´)
     ↪ \(T∇T)/
     ↪ ヽ(・∀・)ノ●ヽ(・∀・)ノ●ヽ(・∀・)ノ

I can't believe you losers actually believe this stuff  =_=
    ↪I know right so gullible
    ↪ Factz it's all so fack obv just acting lol

You tsked and started clicking your pen out of rage.

'Gullible? How were there really still assholes that thought this wasn't real by now!?!?'

You tsk loudly ready to join in the online discussion when you're phone was swiftly ripped from your hands. Looking up you lock eyes with a very disapproving Spanish teacher.

"Since your so comfortable with this subject why don't we all take a quiz! Everyone notebooks away!"


Now you had to focus on a quiz!? You didn't even study the night before. Not only that but today was the day your favorite Kpop group dropped there new comeback song you couldn't stop worrying about missing it. Pulling at the collar of your shirt nervously you try to stay focused but the questions might as well be written in some other alien language. Just because your brain knew you were supposed to focus you started to remember funny moments from the video you'd watched of them the night before, jokes and cute phrases replying in your head forcing you to hold back a laughing fit.

'If there's a god please end this suffering'

Almost immediately after you had the thought a distraction comes to you in the form of a student council member. Despite general belief that council members were scholarly and mature, much like a member in your idol grop, these kids were all just inmature wannabe famous jerks. Most of them got there positions from being well known class clowns or popular and sucked at there job, but no one ever really said anything because... Well they're all pretty charismatic.

You never really liked them but you, and the rest of your class, were iching for a distraction from this stupid quiz.
You all waited in collectively silent anticipation as he pointed lazily into our room.

"This is Ms.Costillos Spanish class you'll be her everyday sceond period blAh blah"

Stifling a yawn he continues half-heartedly.

"Look I gotta get to practice so if you have any thoughts ask your classmates k?"

Without even answering he turns a leaves the kid standing outside, your classmates all giving off different reaction to the situation at hand, teacher yelling and threatening to take off points in an attempt to keep the peace. You were curious as to who was on the other side of the door but no where near as excited as everyone else, then again kids loved making a huge deal out of everything for the fun of it.

Eventually a boy walks in. He was really tall with hair that reached his shoulders, tied up in a low ponytail. His clothes didn't seem to fit him right, his shirt just seemed to barley cover his squishy flat stomach, and without a coat you could see a bit a muscle on his arms indicating he probably liked to work out. His whole appearance just screamed rebellious skater fuck dude, but his actions were reserved a timid, and his voice range out in the quiet class room a lot dorkier than you expected.

"Hello my name is Donatello Hamato..."

Something about that name made your heart skip with excitement and you couldn't figure out why. He was actually pretty boring, didn't try to speak to anyone the teacher let him put his head down since it was his first time in Spanish and we continued the stupid test.

I kinda forgot about him the next two periods since the music video dropped right after first and I spent all of third getting lost in the hype with my best friend. But come fourth and there wasn't a class room not taking about them. After hearing just about everything everyone knew I began to self sort my own ideas of who  they were. They were relatives of Casey, the notorious trouble maker and alleged drop out-since he rarely even came to school-that's the only thing I knew for a fact because he comfirmed it himself. One of them actually turned out to be pretty talkitive but he's also been spotted openly lying and controdicting himself multiple times making anything he says pretty unreliable course we're all just theorist at this point until some asks them up front.

The day was almost over, you stretched out on the side of the hall, and did all sorts of things to avoid going to class. A teacher had spotted your intentions and threated to give u detection so you got on the move you were close to your next class when pushed passed you. Looking up you going to say something when you noticed him again..


*Donnie pov*

The room got quieter once I arrived, but I didn't really care because I'd finally saw April.

She hadn't noticed me yet, not like she would recognize me, and I need every ounce of will power to not embarrass the both of us. After showing the teacher my schedule had to take a seat away from her, didn't stop him from staring. Like most people, she quickly took her notes.

A lot of people got in his view of her after class to ask the basic questions, but he didn't stop to answer them. Running out third period to look for her he called her name but didn't get a reply. His next period was lunch, questionably, and he was with Mikey.

Finding the others they all pillied in the closet bathroom they found and discussed there experiences so far, After that he kinda zoned out from boredom. Come six period I was starting to feel discouraged, and actually really hungry. Then as if the had heard his woes he spotted April on his way into math. Tapping on her shoulder she turned a little surprised, but more so uncomfortable.

"Hey Donnie..."

"Y-Wait who told you this was me..."


"Oh...W-well what do you think of our new look?"

"When are you changing back."

"Uh... Well I don't know... Do you not like it?"

"I don't know... Not really."


"Why did you do this?"

"Oh no April this was an accident will change bac-"

" No I mean why are you here."

It seemed the more she spoke lthe angrier she seemed.

"It was Mikey's idea..."

"Really Donnie."

"What!?! We came to see what this normal life your always talking about feels like. Why are you acting like this?!"

There conversations cut short as Casey appears.

"Hurry up red or-oh. Hey Donnie"


He watched the two stroll away and realized how easy it would be for an outsider to think they were a couple. Maybe they were a couple. Donnie felt really hurt. This small moment had finally helped reality sink in for the last time.

"I'll always just be your mutant."


*Back to you*

You hadn't heard anything but you could clearly see the look of devastation on the new boy who you sooned learned to be named Donatello Hamato, you only knew this now because he didn't show up to the last class you two also seemed to share. You didn't talk to the guy, he isn't even that handsome, but that look on his face stuck with you all throughout the rest of class as soon as the final bell rang you told yourself to push it back and focus on what matters. You had a mission and it required your full attention .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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