Chapter 46

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Jason's POV:

My eyes fluttered open to the harsh rays of sunlight beaming against my face. I squinted my eyes and took a deep breath of air as I looked down to see Justin wrapped around my body fast asleep. I was still seated in the chair outside from the previous night. I let out a deep yawn as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake Justin from his sleep. My muscles felt tense and my body felt stiff all over. As gently as I could, I grabbed a hold of Justin and slowly rose to my feet, deciding that it would be best to take him inside and lay him down on my bed.

After I placed him onto my bed and made sure that he was as comfortable as I could get him, I sluggishly walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen. I poured myself a bowl of coco puffs and chowed down on them as I felt rather hungry. My head was starting to feel more awake and my brain began to process exactly what had happened in the past day. Although a lot of what had happened was fuzzy to me due to the fact that I was not myself, all that kept going through my head was that I hurt Justin.

I felt my heart clench at this thought and I knew that I had to make it up to him. I had to protect him from all the bad in the world, which at this stage include me. My thoughts suddenly changed to Sam and what he had achieved in his evil little plan. He used my two former best friends against me to make me hurt the person that I am trying to change my life around. He knew that once I am under the influence of anything, the other me takes over and that is when bad happens. But I think the worst of it is that he befriended Justin, gained his trust and then crushed his heart.

My blood started to boil at the thought of Sam and all that I could think of was punching his little face into moosh. I knew that I could not let this go, even though Justin would probably tell me to. I am ready to go out and find this little kid and destroy his life, just the way he tried to destroy Justin's and mine. I gripped both of my hands into balls and clenched my jaw hard, taking a deep breath in before slamming my fists against the bench. Anger was starting to take over me.

I walked out the back door and grabbed my packet of cigarettes, pulling one out and quickly sparking it with my lighter. I took a few deep drags of the smoke, smiling as I felt the chemicals enter my lungs and enter my bloodstream. After only a few drags I had finished my smoke and decided to do what Jason McCann does best.

I ran back inside and slipped into some fresh clothes that consisted of a black v-neck shirt, ripped black skinny jeans and white vans. I chucked on my sunglasses and grabbed my car keys before running out the front door, jumping in my car and starting it. I quickly chucked on some of my pump up beats before reversing out of my driveway and speeding off into the distance.

Justin's POV:

I was trapped in a bright room with no doors and no windows. Just plain white walls and a harsh clear white light was all that surrounded me. I tried to close my eyes hoping that it would change my vision but when I opened them back up all I could see was Jason. Except... not the Jason I had come to know. He was ... different. It was more like the Jason of old. The one who made me want to end this life. The person the tormented me to the ends of the earth and found pleasure in doing so. And he was just staring at me with that evil smirk on his face. I closed my eyes again feeling a sense of fear sink in.

"Wakey wakey fag boy," I heard him taunt as I pressed my eyelids together harshly. Where was I? How did I end up here? I opened my eyes back up only to reveal both Chaz and Ryan standing side by side to Jason, both with smirks on their faces. I quivered up against a wall and felt my heart begin to race harder and faster. Why were they here? The three of them took slow steps closer and closer towards me. It was just as though they were seeing me at school after the holidays. Their eyes held so much hate that it made goosebumps rise along my skin.

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