Chapter 48

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Jason's POV:

Sam and his stupid little friend look at me with an expression of both shock and horror. Obviously they weren't expecting me to be home, or even if they were, they still are afraid of me. A sense of calmness ran throughout my blood as I looked at the both of them with a smirk from cheek to cheek. I did wonder what they were planning of doing in my house.

"So...?" I dragged out sarcastically, "Whatcha doing guys?" I slouched against the wall and crossed my arms. My expression was one of sarcasm. I didn't really give a fuck what they had to say, but I thought that I would humour them for a while before I beat the life out of them. I started to tap my right foot on the ground as I waited for them to bullshit a reply to me.

Sam, trying his hardest to act tough, took a step closer to me and changed his face to his tough guy act. His friend just looked dead into my eyes before closing his and shaking his head from side to side. Sam crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows as his swallowed deep.

"I am here to end what I started," he finally spat out trying to sound aggressive.

"What you and this pussy?" I asked pointing towards his friend who had now moved to Sam's side also trying to look intimidating. They both continued to look at me with seriousness on their faces. I couldn't help but let out a bellow of laughter which caused me to go down to one knee and clutch at my stomach.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I let out uncontrollably. "YOU TWO THINK THAT ..... ME?" I carried on in a fit laughter. I was unable to control myself from letting out my amusement. They honestly think they are in the positon to take out me? I am Jason fucking McCann.

"Stop laughing you piece of fucking shit," Sam snapped at me. I stopped myself for a brief moment before I made eye contact with him and carried on with my laughter. I could feel as my face was turning red and my eyes started to water. Yes, I was finding this situation beyond funny. After about a minute or so of laughing myself out, I was finally able to speak normally. I looked at them both with a smirk and raised my hands up sarcastically.

"Guys..." I said calmly.

"What!" They both simultaneously snapped at me.

"In case you both forgot," I paused, "I'm Jason fucking McCann."

I was growing bored of these two and decided to just hurry up and end this shit. I have more important things to worry about like making Justin happy. I took a few steps closer towards the two of them, but stopped when I saw both of them reach into their pockets. I saw their hands move quickly outwards and heard a sound that was familiar. I looked down to their hands and saw that they were both now armed with switch blades, both a few inches long. I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes.

"What's the matter? You scared you fucking dick." Sam spat at me as he was now growing a smirk on his face. He must have honestly believed that he was now in control of the situation now, but he wasn't. "I promise to make it as painful as possible for you," he carried on sending me a wink. I clenched my jaw hard and shook my thoughts out of my head. I went to take another step towards them but was met with a sharp pain shoot through my left arm. The fucker swung his blade at me and managed to cut into my arm.

I hissed in pain as I took a step back and dabbed at the cut with my free right hand. I felt the tear in my shirt and hissed as I brushed over the cut. I could instantly feel the blood oozing out of the cut and glanced down to see the red blood covering my hand now. My veins started feel tight as the blood began to run cold. Thoughts in my head were fading and all that was taking over was the darkness of my rage.

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