Table Of Contents

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Reality 2.0 (Full Pack)

Reality 2.0

Chapter 1 - "An old friend returns" (Un prieten vechi se intoarce)
Chapter 2 - "Welcome To Reality 2.0" (Bine ai venit in Reality 2.0)
Chapter 3 - "KSA is down" (KSA e la pamant)
Chapter 4 - "The Intruder" (Intrusul)
Chapter 5 - "G4Me 0V3R" (Final de joc)  
Chapter 6 - "Black Out" (Intunericul)  
Chapter 7 - "Extended Universe" (Universul se extinde)  
Chapter 8 - "A little upgrade" (Un mic upgrade)
Chapter 9 - "Catch a star" (Pe urmele unei stele)
Chapter 10 - "Script Enigma"
Chapter 11 - "The Destiny" (Destinul)
Chapter 12 -"Memory Cache"
Chapter 13 - "A new wizard is in town" (Un vrajitor nou a aparut in oras)
Chapter 14 - "The Wizard and The Princess" (Vrajitoarea si Printesa)  
Chapter 15 - "The Kiss" (Sarutul)
Chapter 16 - "The Mysterious Catacombs" (Catacombele misterioase)  
Chapter 17 - "Saint Gregory" (Sfantul Grigore)  
Chapter 18 - "The Legend Begins" (Incepe Legenda)  
Chapter 19 - "The Beginning of The END" (Inceputul Sfarsitului)  
Chapter 20 - "The End Part 1" (Sfarsitul Partea Intai)
Chapter 21 - "The End Part 2" (Sfarsitul Partea a doua)
Chapter 22 - "The Final" (Finalul)

Reality 2.0 Payback

Chapter 1 - "Retreat" (Retragerea)  
Chapter 2 - "Ace of clubs" (Asul de trefla)  
Chapter 3 - "The Job" (Slujba)  
Chapter 4 - "On the run" (Urmariti)  
Chapter 5 - "The memories of a joker" (Memoriile unui vanator)  
Chapter 6 - "The traitor" (Tradatorul)  
Chapter 7 - "New life" (Noua viata)  
Chapter 8 - "The death of a friend" (Moartea unui amic)  
Chapter 9 - "Secret Agent Paul" (Agentul Secret Paul)  
Chapter 10 - "Payback Time" (Timpul pentru razbunare)

Reality 2.0 Ghosts

Chapter 1 - "The ghost of the past" (Fantoma trecutului)
Chapter 2 - "The first trial" (Prima Proba)  
Chapter 3 - "The second trial" (A doua proba)  
Chapter 4 - "The Apocalypse" (Apocalipsa)  
Chapter 5 - "The Final Act" (Actul Final)

Chapter 6 - "The Last Verdict. Back to school" (Ultimul Verdict. Inapoi la scoala)


Reality 2.0Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum