👻chapter ㅡ s e v e n👻

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The sunset could be seen clearly from the rooftop. I wonder why I didn't spend time to watch it before when it is this beautiful and calming. "So, why are we here?" I asked him.

"Because we can talk safely."

"We can talk safely in your room."

Kino sighed. "I needed to get out of that place, especially with Mr. Seo in it—plotting the next ways with my mom to convince me I'm crazy." He said with a scowl.

"I think your mom is just sincerely concerned about you." I said.

He grunted. We were sitting at the edge of the rooftop. The school is quieter than it is during school hours but it doesn't feel scary anymore.

"She never believed me."

"Was there anyone in your life who ever believed you?" I asked.

"Jinho and his grandpa—because they can see, too. And..." he trailed off, then swallowed. "A girl I knew online."

I grinned teasingly. "Ooh, there's always a girl."

Surprisingly, blood rushed up to his face. He's blushing. "Shut up."

I laughed. "So, tell me about this amazing girl who believed in you."

He frowned. "It doesn't matter. We don't talk anymore."


"She just stopped replying, but she was like—the best person I've ever known."

"Wow." I said, smiling.

"Yeah, when I told her about my condition—she didn't really act so freaked out. Of course, she said it's unbelievable, but she even helped me once while I was helping out a lost soul."

"Did you ever meet her in real life?"

He let out a soft sigh. "No," he said. "I asked if we could meet before I left my hometown but I didn't get a reply." He frowned, shooting me a look. "Don't feel bad about me! It's just—sometimes, you meet someone, you know, whether it's online or face to face, and you just connect with that person. They just get it."

"I wonder if I had someone like that in my life before." I said with a sigh.

"Maybe queen G?" Kino said, grinning.

"Ugh, I still can't believe I would be friends with someone like her."


"I don't know. I just thought I wasn't the type of girl to be in a squad like that because Gahee and her friends are like IT girls—popular and wanted. I was imagining before that I could have been someone in high school, faceless to most people but friends with the right ones."


I groaned and glowered at him. "Fine. Say, I dream to be a goody goody—but goody-two-shoes people get in college. Suck it." I said with a smirk.

He erupted with a laughter and it beats Hwitaek's. Strange. I still love Hwitaek's voice more though. When the laughter was gone and we were left with silence, I took a deep breath. "It's crazy to think I might never experience college."

"You can, if you had good grades."

My eyes widened. "Do you think I could have been a bad student?"

He shrugged. "There's only one way to find out."

"And you say you're not crazy." I said jokingly.

"Come on."

We climbed down the stairs to the dark hallways of the school. I have no idea what time it was when we crept into the faculty department. "Aren't they gonna see us in CCTV?"

"That's why you're gonna cover it." he whispered.


"You jump high and you can touch things now. Go."

I spotted the surveillance cam and as I jumped to cover it with a piece of paper he gave me, Kino ran inside the faculty room. I wondered if it worked. What if I was transparent? Gosh. I would put him in trouble!

I followed him inside quickly. He was already searching among the files. "Nothing here." He said and then stopped, his eyes catching Ms. Han Seol Hee's desk. He hurried to it and opened her drawers. "Who's our homeroom teacher again?"

"Your teacher. It's not Ms. Han, as far as I know."

Kino sighed, giving up so easily but then something else caught his eyes. A newspaper. "Check this out..." he said quietly.

A student of Sowon High school named Lee Yuna was found almost-dead in the campus on October 3rd, 2015. The student was immediately brought to the hospital, and was barely saved. She is now in comatose and not even the doctors could tell if she could ever open her eyes again. Meanwhile, the police reported that Lee Yuna could have fallen from the second floor of the building, basing it on her injuries, and due to the fact that she didn't die instantly from the fall

Kino stopped reading out the words when he saw a teardrop on the paper. He looked at me, wide-eyed.



"I can't believe it. Your tear just—" he looked down on the newspaper but any marks of the teardrop was gone.

I wiped my tears away. "Gosh. So embarrassing."

Kino folded the newspaper and slid it inside his pocket. "Let's go." He whispered.

I nodded quietly as we walked out of the school carefully, I couldn't get off my own image in my head; bloody and dead—almost dead, they said. Accident or suicide? Could I really have been that kind of person? How bad was my condition that I thought of killing myself? Suddenly, I felt dizzy. And for the first time in two months, my vision got so bright that I had to close my eyes.

Hospital, ICU.

Code blue, room seven. Code blue, room seven.

The doctor and nurses rushed to the ICU. He looked at the heart monitor of his patient, his daughter, and shook his head. "Administer epinephrine, 1 milligram I.V push." He continued giving CPR to his daughter when a hand patted his shoulder,

"Sunbae-nim, let me take over."

He shook his head. "No, I can save my daughter."

"But sunbae—"

"I can save my daughter!" he yelled, and wasted no moment, commanding everyone what to do. "Please, please..." He muttered as he watched the straight line on the heart monitor. "I can't lose you, too, Yuna. Not after your mom."

In what seemed like forever, her heart started beating again.

• • •

A/N: I would like to apologize to all the medical students or workers who might be reading this fanfic. XD I have no idea if the hospital scene seems unrealistic or if it's okay? It's the farthest I got with my research. 🙈 It was really hard to research this part for such a short scene :( so pls don't roast me hahaha

anyways, thank you for reading! ♡

qotd: are you in middle school/ high school/ college/ working? (if college, what are you studying?)

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