Chapter 1: This Friday Night

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"Huh? Alarm? What time is it? 7:00? OH SHIT!"


"Oh shut up!" I said as I reached for the digital alarm clock and pressed the off button.

I got up from usually messy bed and looked at myself through the mirror.

Ehh, who needs a shower? I decided to skip the shower today and just maybe just wash my face at school. I swear, being at school at 7:15 is WAY too early. Even for me, who loves to wake up in the morning despite all of my friends who just love to sleep in, eat shit and watch Netflix all day. Paradise right? Nope. For me, it's all about getting ready for the day and taking risks that you wouldn't have done yesterday!

Left turn. Right turn. Another right turn. God, I hate driving. Why do my parents make me drive to school when I have two perfectly good working legs that could walk? I could use the exercise anyways.

As I walk into this hellhole of a high school, I breath in the conditioned air and sigh, hoping to find at least one of my friends.

"Hey Alex!" Morgan says. She's literally the queen of the school, so getting a "Hi" from her was kinda luck. I couldn't help but to blush a little.

As I turn to open my locker, I notice a blonde beauty walking past me.

"Heya Alex!" I hear from Lindsey Harrison. In my opinion, the most beautiful girl that ever lived. She is my definition of perfect. But of course she doesn't even notice. I mean, we have been neighbors and best friends for all our lives, how could she notice?

I follow her to our homeroom. "So um... Lindsey listen. About that dance on Friday." I manage to mutter.

"Aren't you just so excited? And guess what? Scott Reynolds decided to ask me! AH!"

"Scott? You mean the quarterback that drinks and gets high all day? What could you see in him? He's a complete asshole!"

"Ugh! Alex! No he's not. He has a softer side to him."

Whatever. If that complete douche tries anything on Lindsey, I'll seriously do something about it.

Homeroom, Mr. Mullins' class. Attendance was always a pain because my name was always last, so all eyes were on me to make sure we had perfect attendance.

"Andrews?" Mr. Mullins asked.

Morgan then raised her hand, revealing her tattoo of her dead mom's birthday.


Xavier raised his hand. Xavier was weird. He was always into acting and always had this big dream of making it into Hollywood. At least he's a good friend.


"Harrison?" Lindsey raised her hand.

If I could just tell Lindsey how I feel, my life would have meaning.


"Jordan?" Tony raised his hand but not without adding a comment like "President"

Just kill me now.

"Marriott?" Tasha was also one of my good friends. I knew she would defend me if I ever got into trouble, however she can't stand Lindsey. She thinks that she is a prissy rich girl who is used to getting what she wants. Which is kind of accurate, you know, except for the prissy part?


"YO!" Scott screams across the class. I jumped a little, wanting to punch him straight in the face for giving me a heart attack.

"Williams?" That's me. Alex Williams. "Here!" I said, with my usual homeroom attitude. Boring. As much as I love school, homeroom has always been a pain in my ass because Lindsey would always drag me into these annoying conversations with Scott and his friends.

"... So there I was. Surfing that great big wave when all of a sudden a giant shark came and bit half of my board! But don't worry. I fought him off." Scott said with the most confident look I have ever seen on his face.

Tasha rolled her eyes, but I see Lindsey and Morgan practically drooling over him.

"WOW! Scott! You are like the shit, bro!" said Jacob Martinez. He was Scott's wingman but I like to call him Scott's ass-kisser. Because that's what he would do. Literally, sit around and listen to his story and then kiss his ass just to stay on the football team.

Tony then comes up to all of us. "So, you guys heard of that mental asylum on Bird Road?"

Morgan's eyes widened. "Mental Asylum? I never heard of that."

"Yeah because it shut down. It's literally just bones and rubble. Rumors have it that the ghosts of the inmates still lurk in the cells... BOO!" Tony screams while scaring Tasha but not without a getting a smack across the face.

"Wow, cool! We should check it out." I finally decide to say. The first thing I talk about in front of everybody and it's that! Awesome.

"I'm so down. I could pick all of us up and we can just go!" Morgan says. All of us agree, and I have to because it was my plan. As I brush my fingers through my coffee colored hair, I realize this is a perfect opportunity for me to win back Lindsey! I'm not scared of anything. Not even old abandoned asylums!


The bell rings.

I say bye to Lindsey and Tasha as they walk their separate ways and I walk toward my next class with Xavier.

Ow! What was that?

Oh my God. It's Gracie with her daily punches in the arm.

"Hey dumb butt!" She says in her usual happy-go-lucky tone of a voice. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing happy people on a Monday but I could do without the punching.

"What do you want Gracie?" Xavier hissed at her. "Are you going to walk with us to drama?"

"Actually! I heard that you guys are going to that mental asylum! I want to come."

Who is this bitch? Where did she hear that? And when did we invite her?

"Uhh, I don't..."

"Don't say anymore." She whispers, putting her finger on my lips. "See you boys Friday!"

"Fine Whatever. But NO more invites!" Xavier calls out to her.

Friday indeed.
All of us are going to be there

Me, Lindsey, Scott, Morgan, Tasha, Xavier, Jacob, Tony, and Gracie.

Biggest mistake of our lives.

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