Chapter Ten

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Y/n woke up late the next morning and she rubbed her eyes and she crawled out of bed. She stumbled into the bathroom and groggily stared at her complexion in the mirror. I look like shit.

The bruise had darkened, and last nights mascara was smeared under her eyes. She groaned and washed her face lazily, blotting it with a towel when she was done.

After finishing that, she changed into a pair of shorts, a tight grey tshirt, and her white high top converse. She wasn't trying to impress anyone today.

Her mom was on the couch when Y/n came down the stairs, she was watching a cooking show about 'how to make the perfect omelet'.

"I'm gonna go out, mom."

"Just don't beat anyone up this time." Her mom laughed and focused back on the tv screen. Y/n rolled her eyes and left the house with a smile on her face. She hopped on her old bike and peddled down the street letting the breeze lift her hair off of her shoulders. She was riding to the barrens where she hoped to find Richie.

The gravel crunched underneath her tires as she pulled up to the stream.

"Y/n?" Eddie called from the other side. It was apparent that he was alone. A stack of comic books sat next to him and he flipped the page of the one he had been reading.

"Hey.. where's Richie?"

"He's grounded because of the fight."

"Shit." Y/n scuffed her shoe along the ground and squinted her eyes at Eddie. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to reading.

Y/n let out a sign and hopped back on her bike. I need to talk to Richie.. but how? It's Saturday, so his parents are home. But wait.. His parents go out on Saturday nights. Perfect! I can go over there while his parents are gone. Y/n thought her plan though a couple of times. What could go wrong?

She peddled quickly down the street in the direction of the school. She had been dreading this since the fight last night.

The coach was blowing the whistle as Y/n finished getting changed into her practice shorts. Gretta glared at her from across the gym. Her face had a bruise on it like Y/n's and her lip was busted. Y/n just smiled back and gave a small wave. Being a bitch was easy for Y/n, after all the learned from the best.

The girls can a few laps around the gym and then started stretches. Gretta whispered something to the girl next to her and laughed while they looked at Y/n. Y/n rolled her eyes and did her toe touches. I'm just ready for this to be over, I'm ready for tonight.

[A/n: Sorry this chapter was so boring, but I promise the next one will be very.. interesting *wink* *wink* -Abby]

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