Chapter 16

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-Cody's POV-

It's been a month since Baylee was put in the hospital. A month since I found out the love of my life was dying. Only a few more months left for me to hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, and tell her I Iove her.

"Baylee...?" I asked nervously.

"Huh?" She said sweetly.

"I have to go to a meeting in Sydney...for a week." I said insecurely. Her face fell, but she quickly tried to hide it.

"Cody, it's fine. You have been here with me for the past month. I promiselI won't die while you're away." She said jokingly. I really wish she wouldn't joke about things like that. There is no way she could promise me that.

"Are you sure you don't mind me leaving, angel?"

"Positive." She said with a fake smile. I fake smiled back and kissed her softly. I was about to pull away when she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me a little harder. Two can play at that game. I kissed back. Eventually we both ran out of breath and had to pull away. Stupid lungs. Now Baylee and I were really smiling.

"I love you, Bay."

"I love you, too." She exclaimed. I smiled and walked out the door.

-Baylee's POV-

I'm kind of glad Cody left. It'll give me time to think. I mean he's been here with me every hour for the past month. He needed a break.

As soon as he was out of the room, I grabbed my phone and texted Paul. I needed advice. We talked for hours. He was completely against what I was going to do, but it needed to be done. I just needed to figure out how.

I struggled to find the remote that contained the button to call the nurses. I finally found it and clicked the little button. A nurse, by the name of Halle, came into my room. I begged her to let me go home. I told her that there was nothing left for them to do for me. Halle started to protest, but her eyes locked with mine and she must've seen them pleading. She eventually gave in, well as much as she could.

"Okay! Okay! I will ask the doctor if you can go home." With those words she was out of the room. A smile played on my lips. It quickly fell when Halle hadn't come back yet. It felt like decades had gone by, before she walked into the room.

"Your doctor said it was fine for you to go home tomorrow, but a nurse will come to your house once a week to check on you." She said. I squealed with joy. Happiness buzzed through my body. I couldn't wait to be home again. Halle chuckled lightly and helped me get ready for bed. My head hit the pillow, with a smile on my lips. It fanished when I realized what I had to do. It felt so wrong, but deep down I knew it was right. I couldn't do this anymore.

The next morning I woke up early, I called in Halle to help me pack everything. It took about thirty minutes to put it all away. My aunt appeared in the door way, ready to take me back home for the first time in a month. I walked out of the hospital, the sunlight tingled on my skin. In a matter of minutes, I was home. I ran to my room and threw myself on my bed. It felt so nice to be in my own bed. The next week consisted of me sleeping and eating home made food. Halle came to check on me, but of course it was only getting worse.

Then, the thing I had dreaded, yet waited for the entire week, happened...Cody called.

-Cody's POV-

I had thought about calling Baylee all week, but she needed her rest. I missed her so much. I was longing for her kiss and her touch. I wanted her. I needed her. This week could not have passed by slower, but finally I was going home...well the hospital. It took forever to get back to the Gold Coast. My thoughts ran wild. I thought about how amazing Baylee is, how beautiful she is. Then, I started to think how life would be once Baylee was gone, all of the pain, all of the sadness...I tried to push the thought out of my mind, but it still lingered there, because I knew it would happen. I was quickly pulled back to reality, when the car came to a halt. I hopped out and ran to Baylee's room. My heart fluttered with excitement to see her face. Every beat quickened with every step. I thought my heart was going to explode the moment I saw her. I flew through the door and my heart dropped. Baylee was no where to be found. Everything was gone. I rushed to the nurses station.

"Where is Baylee Anderson?!" I asked frantically.

"Oh Baylee went home about a week ago." She said. I nodded my head and walked away. I pulled out my phone and called Baylee.

"Hello..." Just hearing her voice made me smile, but there was something wrong. I could hear it.

"Baylee-" I started, but I was quickly cut off.

"Just come over." She said, sounding a little irritated. I knew I shouldn't have gone to Sydney. She is probably mad that I wasn't there for her, I thought as I pulled up to her house. There she was sitting on the front steps, with her head down. I sat down next to her and intertwined our hands. She looked up and gave me a little smile. I could tell she was trying to convince me it was real, but I knew it was fake. I traced little circles with my thumb on her hand.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I questioned. With those words she turned her whole body and grabbed my other free hand with hers. Her eyes were full of mixed emotions. Love, pain, and concern.

"Cody, you know I love you. You are my one and only true love. I love you so much." She said quivering, with tears running down her cheeks. I wiped them away with my hand, but quickly put my hand back in hers. "I can't do this anymore. I can't cause you any more pain. You need to leave me. Move on. Forget about me." she choked out. Tears were now filling my eyes. How could she expect me to just leave her?

"Baylee... I love you. I can't leave you. You are the love of my life. I will never be able to move on or forget about you."

"It's possible for you to move on. Just leave. I don't want you to be in love with me. I'm just going to die. There is no avoiding it. I'm just going to d-" I cut her off.

"BAYLEE! Stop it! I don't care if you're going to die. I'm in love with you. I will be in love with you forever and always."

"Cody, if you really love me like you say you do, you'll leave right now and never come back." I could tell it was what she wanted, but I didn't want to believe it. I kissed her hand and then moved closer to her, placing a kiss on her lips. I got up and walked back to my car. I turned around, only to find that Baylee was gone. Tears streamed down my face, as I realized that was the last time I would see Baylee. She was gone. I lost her.

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