Chapter 19: The Change

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Anna's POV:

I grabbed her wrist firmly, refusing to let go. My mind was set on keeping Stella safe no matter what the cost.

"You have to turn me."

She replied without turning to look at me, "I'm not going to."

Jace was silent, probably realizing this was out of his hands.

"I won't let go."

I heard a feral snarl, and suddenly Stella turned to face me, her irises pitch black and fangs bared, "Dare to fight me for it?"

"I'm not going to fight you! Stella, you're not thinking straight! You need me out there!"

She laughed cynically, "You're not going to fight anyone. I'll deal with Natalie and Dorian, you'll stay here with the healer."

"You'll need him too!"

She growled, an eerie, deep, guttural sound, "Like hell I will! Annabelle, you're staying, that's an order!"

"I'm not letting go until you come to your senses and turn me! It's our only chance!"

"Let me go Annabelle, I won't warn you again."


Suddenly there was a loud snarl and her other hand came down on me in a swatting motion. I felt a sting on my abdomen, and my grip weakened from the shock. She pulled her hand back and barked a command at Jace, something about the healer, before bolting out of the room. Not sure what had just happened, I followed Jace's startled gaze and looked down at my stomach. My shirt was slashed into ribbons over my abdomen, and velvet red blood was dripping out slowly. Stella had clawed at me.

I fell to my knees more from shock than from pain, and my eyes watered. Before I knew it, Dylan was standing over me, inspecting my wound.

He let out a long breath, "What happened?"

Jace kneeled beside me and put a hand on my shoulder for comfort, "Stella scratched her."

I almost growled myself, "Does that look like a scratch to you?! She mauled me!"

Dylan put a hand over the slash marks, and the pain was replaced by a strange tingling sensation. The edges of the wound glowed faintly white, and it closed itself in a few seconds, leaving no trace that it was ever there apart from the torn up dress.

"You're all right," he said, "she knew the wound wasn't fatal. D'you mind if I ask, what did you do to piss her off so bad?"

"I tried to stop her. She won't turn me to fight Natalie. She's going to get herself killed."

Dylan sighed, "You don't try to stop a Trueblood. Especially not that one."

"You got that right," Jace added, then he paused before saying, "Dylan, you'd better go get ready for the fight. The soldiers will need a medic."

Dylan bowed respectfully and sped off.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "I thought he was staying with me."

Jace gave me a hand to help me up, and then started looking through the metal drawers in the armory, which would open up on command.

"Do you still have the sais Dylan gave you, the small swords you stabbed Natalie with?"

"Yes, in my room, why?"

He threw what looked like a pair of leather pants at me, similar to the ones Stella had been wearing, a jacket, and what appeared to be a fancy looking vest made out of chan mail and decorated with gems, which ended in a 'V' shape above the groin area.

{The Firelight Chronicles} 3: Fatal Attraction girlxgirl Lesbian Story (editing)Where stories live. Discover now