Chapter 1- Princess and Prince In Denial

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*everypony is in Canterlot getting ready for the Friendship Festival*

Spike/Barbra: *hustling through crowds of ponies while holding scrolls*  'Scuse us! Dragons on the move! Important princess documents comin' through!

Female Pony 1: *excited* Whoa! Everypony from Manehattan to Saddle Arabia is here!

Apple Cobbler: *smiles happily* I know, filly! We almost couldn't book a stable!

Clear Skies: *flying* Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk must have their hooves full with this Friendship Festival!

Female Pony 2: *smiles next to Clear Skies* Are you kidding?! They're smart and organized and cool under pressure! There's nothing they can't handle!

*they fly past the castle stained glass windows where the eight royals are depicted*

*on the inside of the castle Twilight and Dusk are breathing calmly*

Twilight/Dusk: *has their wings spread out regally with their horns activated* *calm* Ommmmm...*stops and starts freaking out nervously* Ohhhhhhh mmmmy goodness, we can't handle this! 

Twilight- *worriedly* Ooh! Nothing is working! We just have to get it together! Just go in there! And ask! 

Dusk- *looks at each other nervously* This is our Friendship Festival! Everypony's happiness rests in our hooves. 

Both- *looks up at their stained glass window* [facehoofs in worry] Ohhhh!

Barbra: *walks in* Okay, guys. We got all your charts and graphs.

*they both see Spike and Barbra in relief*

Twilight Sparkle: *worried* Oh, thank goodness you guys are here!

Dusk- *worried* We're just so nervous about this meeting!

Spike: *arches eyebrows* Whachoo talkin' 'bout?

Dusk: [sighs worriedly and turns their back towards them] We're about to ask the six most royal rulers of Equestria for a huge favor! 

Twilight- *worried* What if they reject us?

Barbra: *reassures them* It'll be fine. Just remember the most important thing.

Twilight/Dusk: *turns back around with an insanely wide smile on their face* Smile?! *eyes twitch nervously*

Spike/Barbra: *creeped out* Eh... no. *calmly smiles* You're both a Prince and Princess, too.

Twilight/Dusk: *still grinning* Right! [exhales and uses their magic to open the doors to reveal Celestia, Solaris, Luna, Artemis, Cadence and Bolero] Good morning, your highness'. 

Twilight- *sincerely* Thank you all for seeing us. 

Dusk- *smiles calmly* We have an idea that we think will make our Friendship Festival the most wonderful celebration Equestria has ever seen!

Princess Celestia: *calmly smiles* Yes, Twilight and Dusk!

Solaris- We are very excited!

Princess Cadance: *smiles* Ponies have been arriving from all over all morning.

Bolero- *nods with a smile*

Princess Luna: I'd like to think it's to see us, but Songbird Serenade might be the bigger attraction.

Artemis- *nods with a calm smile*

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, she is the... "mane" event! [giggles]

Dusk- *smiles calmly* And to make it extra special, we could use your help. *calls out* Spike? Barbra?

[Spike and Barbra wheel in a whiteboard]

Spike/Barbra: [humming fanfare]

Twilight Sparkle: *explains* Songbird Serenade's performance is not scheduled to begin until after your sunset. And based on our precise calculation, to get the very best lighting for the stage, Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris, we were hoping you could make sure the sun stays about 28.1º to the south, and, Princess Luna and Prince Artemis, if you could raise the moon 62º to the north at the same time, it would reflect the sunlight on the other side and really frame the entire stage perfectly!

Princess Luna/Artemis: *worried*

Both: *proudly* But wait! There's more!

Dusk- *calmly* Cadence, Bolero, if you could use your crystal magic to create an aurora above the stage, the sun and the moon will shine through it and create a truly amazing light show!

Spike/Barbra: *on top of the board* Presenting Songbird Serenade!Yeah, yeah, yeah! *they fall off the board* Whoa-ho!Whoa![they hit the ground][weakly] Tada...

*Twilight and Dusk block them with their wings and smiles nervously*

Princess Luna/Artemis: *looks at them* So you're saying you want us to move the sun and the moon for the party.

*Celestia, Cadence, Solaris, Bolero looks at them*

Twilight Sparkle: Well, we'd do it ourselves, except we don't have your magic. [snorts]

Barbra- *smirks* You guys did once.

*everyone looks at her with arched brows*

Barbra- *grins nervously* Sorry...

Dusk- *rolls eyes* Anyway...*smiles sincerely* Will you help us?

Twilight- *smiles hopefully*

Princess Celestia: *calmly* Twilight, Dusk, each of us uses our powers to serve Equestria in our own way.

*the other royals nod and light their horns*

Solaris- *sincerely* You are the Prince and Princess of Friendship.

Both- *puts a hoof on their chins calmly* You already have all the magic you need.

Twilight/Dusk: *looks at them* So... that'd be a no? *ears flatten sadly and pouts*

Spike/Barbra- *smiling nervously*

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