Chapter 6- Capper and Meridian

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[slide guitar sting as the ponies and four dragons walk in the desert tired and heavily exhausted]

Pinkie/Bubble: [panting heavily] There's sand in our... everything... Saving... Equestria... [demented laugh] Oh! Look! Maybe this guy knows which way to go! *picks up a skull* What's that, friend? We're lost? [demented laugh, coughs, faints]

Rarity, Elusive, Rainbow, Blitz, Barbra and Spike: [panting heavily]

Spike/Barbra: We could be going in... circles! Endless... sand... [inhales] Nothin' for miles... but sand... [breathes] and this rock... [coughs] and this cactus... [breathes] and this roooooooooaaaaaad.... [breathes, faints, breathes] ...this rooooooad....

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk: *tiredly* Hmm? A road? *looks ahead* Where there's a road, there's a... [gasps happily]

*they all look*

Spike/Barbra: Whoa!

Rainbow/Blitz : *in awe* Cool!

Applejack/AJ: What is that?

Pinkie/Bubble: Oooh! A city! [scoffs] We are doing it, you guys!

Rarity/Elusive: *happily* You know what they say – where there's a city, there's a spa!

*everyone starts walking*

Rainbow/Blitz: *looks at them*Who says that?

Applejack/AJ: *unamused* 'Case y'all forgot, we're on a mission to save Equestria.

Rarity/Elusive: We can multitask.

*inside Klugetown everypony is walking with worried looks*

[bird squawking]

Pig Creature 1: Don't worry, little one, we'll let ya go!

Pig Creature 2: To the highest bidder!

Pig Creatures: [laugh]

Pig Creature 1: Nice!

[birds squawking]

*as their walking through*

Vendor 1: Ooh. Hey! *looks at Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk* *smirkingly* You two with the horns, you selling?

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk/Rarity/Elusive- *eyes shrink in horror at the horns on display* *they walk faster*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *worried* Oh...

[birds squawking loudly]

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *scared* Ooh!

*they see Pushkin having trouble stacking barrels*

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk: *friendly* Hi there! *sees that their struggling* Here. Let us help you with that. *levitates the barrels*

*two anthromorphic cats notice the scene in curiosity*

Pushkin: *rudely* Hey! No magic around my merchandise!

Mane Six/Colt 6: [run ahead]

Capper/Meridian: *curiously smirks* Hmmm... Very interesting...

Twilight: *concerned* Okay. We just gotta stick together. Be careful who you talk to.

Dusk- *concerned* And try to blend in.

*everyone nods*

Pinkie: *loudly* Can I have your attention please?!

Twilight /Dusk: [groans]

Pinkie/Bubble: Can anypony take us to the King and Queen of the Hippos?!

Fish Creature: *rudely*You want something? You gotta give something!

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