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*in the engine of the air ship*

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk: [angrily thrashes and struggles] *they try and use their magic but it doesn't work

*Tempest and Storm walk towards them with pleasant looks on their faces*

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk: [gasps in shock]

Tempest: *walks around them with a pleasant smile* Aww, the " Prince and Princess of Friendship".

Storm- *walks around them with a pleasant smile* With no friends!

Both- [chuckles] And no way out.

Princess Twilight: *concerned* Why are you doing this?

Prince Dusk- *arches eyebrow* You're both ponies! Just like us.

[Tempest and Storm put their horns against the cage angrily glaring at them*]

Princess Twilight: [yelps in worry]

Prince Dusk- *shocked*

Tempest/Storm: *glares at them* We are nothing like you! *coldly* We're more than you two will ever be! *turns away from them*

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk- *smirks* guys aren't ponies then?

Tempest/Storm- *starts laughing*

Twilight- *laughs* You two set yourselves up for that.

Dusk- *motions with his hoof* Cut!


*as Tempest and Storm are singing*

[Both] *strides around them in a circle coldly*

Open up your eyes
See the world from where we stand
Us, among the mighty
You, caged at our command

*Twilight and Dusk look at them with glares*

[Both] *staring at Twilight and Dusk intently*

Open up your eyes
Give up your sweet fantasy land *spins the cage lightly*
It's time to grow up and get wise

*they lift Princess Twilight's and Prince Dusk's chins causing them to glare*

Come now, little ones, open up your eyes... *they walks in front staring at a wall solemnly*

Twilight- *realizes* But we're looking at you guys though...*cheekily smiles*

*record scratch*

Dusk- *starts laughing*

Tempest- *puts her head on Storm and starts giggling*

Twilight- *grins* Ok, that's my last time I swear...

Storm- *smirks* *signals with his hoof* Cut!


[slide guitar sting as the ponies and dragons walk in the desert tired and heavily exhausted]

Pinkie/Bubble: [panting heavily] There's sand in our... everything... Saving... Equestria... [demented laugh] Oh! Look! Maybe this guy knows which way to go! *picks up a skull* What's that, friend? We're lost? [demented laugh, coughs, faints]

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