Chapter 2- Preparing the Friendship Festival

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*outside the castle Rainbow and Blitz are clearing the clouds for the festival*

Rainbow/Blitz: *happily* Yes!


Rainbow/Blitz: *proud* Sky's cleared and ready for the festival! *flies off*

*down by the stage*

Pinkie/Bubble: [blowing up balloons]

[balloon squeaking as they shape them to be Discord and Eris]

[balloon deflating to their confusion]

Pinkie/Bubble: *shocked* Whoa! *chases it*

[birds whistling in harmony with Fluttershy and Butterscotch]

[balloon zooming by shocking them all]

Pinkie/Bubble: *jumping* Whoa! Heads up, Fluttershy and Butterscotch! Out of control balloooooon!!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *breathes calmly* Hoo. *smiles calmly at them* I don't think it's the balloon that's out of control, Pinkie Pie and Bubble Berry!

*Applejack and AJ walk up with their cider cart*

Applejack/AJ: *smiles* Hey, y'all!

Pinkie/Bubble: [screams as they whiz past Applejack and AJ still chasing the balloon]

Applejack/AJ: *has two cups of cider* Anypony up for some free samples of our family's apple cider?

Rainbow/Blitz: *grins* Ah! *flies and takes the cups* Thank you! *returns with the cups empty* Loved it!

*at the stage Rarity and Elusive are setting up decorative bows*

Rarity/Elusive: [humming]

Applejack: Wow, Rarity and Elusive. It's a fine job you're doin' there.

AJ- *arches eyebrow* 'Course it might not get done 'til after the concert.

Rarity: *looks at them* Applejack, darling, anypony can do "fine".

Elusive- *smirks* Twilight and Dusk asked us, so clearly, they're going for fabulous, and fabulous takes time.

Rainbow/Blitz: *annoyed* Fabulous takes forever! But "awesome"... [flies past decorating the bows sloppily]

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: Whoa! *get tangled in ribbons with diamonds on their muzzles*

Rainbow Dash: *smirks* ...can get done in four seconds flat!

Blitz- *smirks at her* Faster if we do the sonic rainboom!

Rainbow- *smirks* Oh, Yeah!!!

Rarity: *horrified* Aah! Nono, oh no! *glares at them* Don't you dare, Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blitz!

Elusive- *glares at them* It looks wretched enough already.

Rainbow/Blitz: *annoyed* Oh come on, it's fine!

Rarity/Elusive: *angry* If you were raised in a barn! *realizes in shock and smiles sheepishly to Applejack and AJwith their ears flat* Ahem, no offense, Applejack and AJ.

Applejack/AJ: None taken. *sets out cider and Rainbow and Blitz takes the cups* Espeically since we weren't raised in a barn. *they restock which Rainbow and Blitz take* Our family just happens to have a barn. *restocks which Dash and Blitz take* *their smiles fade as they think* Where we were born. *restocks* And... spent most of our formative years...

Rainbow/Blitz: [very quickly and takes the cider] You were raised in a barn!

*Twilight and Dusk are walking over observing a list with Spike and Barbra*

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