Chapter 3- An Unforseen Tempest and Storm

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[thunder suddenly sounds shocking everyone]

*the Mane 6, Colt 6, look in worry*

Twilight: [gasps] Storm clouds? We ordered perfect weather! *looks at them* Rainbow Dash?! Rainbow Blitz?!

Rainbow Dash: *looks* I... don't think those are storm clouds.

Blitz- *looks closely* Those are WAY too dark to be average storm clouds

[ominous music as an airship comes in]

Pinkie Pie: *looks at Bubble happy* Ooh! I bet those are the clowns we ordered!

[the airship lands crumbling pillars]

[balloons deflate]

Bubble: *concerned* Or definitely not the clowns we ordered.

[balloon deflates as the entrance opens]

[ponies gasp]

Party Favor/Goodie Bag: Brian, no!

Twilight/Dusk- *looks with serious expressions*

*two little hedgehogs with white and black fur and blue eyes slowly walks out with a case*

Grubber/Grubby: [breathing and grunting]

*Celestia, Solaris, Luna, Artemis, Cadence and Bolero come out to the balcony with serious expressions*

[microphone feedback]

Grubber: [clears throat, voice echoing] *evil smile* Ponies of Equestria, we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty Storm King and Storm Queen!

[ponies cowering and whispering]

*Applejack and AJ look skeptical while Fluttershy and Butterscotch look at each other in confusion*

Grubby: *smiles evilly*And now, to deliver the evil, evil message, put your hooves together for Commander Tempest and Commander Storm!

*two unicorns slowly walk out in black armor with fuchsia manes and tails and violet coats with a scar covering their eyes and broken horns* *their horns spark blue lightning as they give off a serious demeanor*

*everyone gasps in shock*

Twilight/Dusk: *looks at each other in confusion* *unison* Are those ... unicorns?

Spike/Barbra: *concerned* I think so, but what happened to their horns?

*the prince and princess fly down seriously*

Princess Celestia: *serious* "Tempest" and "Storm" is it?

Solaris- *serious* How may we help you?

Tempest Shadow: *smiles lightly* Oh, we're so glad you asked.

Storm- *serious* How about we start with your complete and total surrender?

*Twilight and Dusk stand by Cadence and Bolero*

Twilight: *stands by the other prince and princesses* Hi there. Prince and Princess of Friendship. *smiles hopefully* Not exactly sure what's going on, but we know we can talk things out.

Dusk- *his smile fades* Let's be civil and peaceful...before things escalate into...*mumbles quietly* other matters.

Tempest: *blunt* Oh, goody. All eight Princes and Princesses. * the two walk down the ramp slowly* 

Storm- Here's the deal, ladies and gentlemen. We need your magic. *threatens* Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!

Princess Luna: *serious* And why should we cower before you?

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