Chapter 11- King Nova, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar and Prince Aerialastral

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Skystar/Aerialastral: *leading them* We're almost there!

[choir and orchestra playing as they swim in an underwater city]

Ponies/Spike/Barbra: *in awe* Wow!

[choir and orchestra continue as they reach the throne room where two adult seaponies are sitting]

Princess Skystar/Prince Aerialastral: *swims to them* Mother, Father, look what we found!

Queen Novo/King Nova: *bored* Is it another shell?

Princess Skystar/Prince Aerialastral: *shakes head happily* Mm-mm.

Novo/Nova: *opens eyes* Because we are telling you if it is another shell, we are— [gasps loudly] *sternly at them* Princess Skystar and Prince Aerialastral, whatta you done?! You both know surface dwellers are forbidden here! *serious* Guards!

[guards grunting as they surround the ponies]

Ponies: [gasp in shock]

Princess Skystar: *to them* No no n-no! M-M-Mom, Dad, please! It is so not like that!

Aerialastral- *looks at them in concern* The Storm King and Storm Queen is trying to destroy their home, too!

Twilight: *concerned* We need to find the Hippogriffs.

Dusk- *concerned* Do you know what happened to them?

Novo/Nova: Well, of course we know. We're the queen and king. *sassy* We know everything.

Princess Skystar/Prince Aerialastral: *happily* Oh, it's such a good story! *swims upward*

Novo/Nova: *glares* Don't you dare tell them!

Princess Skystar: *smiles* Once upon a time, like, a while ago, the Hippogriffs did live on Mount Aris.

Ponies: Oooh!

Queen Novo: *stern* Did we not say don't tell them? But hey, we're just the queen and king.

Nova- *stern* Don't mind us.

Aerialastral: *grumpily* Fine! we can't tell you! *grins happily* But if we could tell you, we'd say that those horned beasts did show up to steal their magic!

Nova/Nova: *blunt* Seriously?

Princess Skystar: But, to keep it out of their clutches, their brave and majestic leaders, Queen Novo and King Nova, hid them deep underwater where they could never go!

Aerialastral- We are... Well, we were the Hippogriffs! Ta-da! [laughs]

Both- [whispering happily to them] But we totally did not tell you that!

Nova /Novo: *sighs* Well, I guess the pearl is out the oyster now. *smiles gracefully* We are Queen Novo and King Nova.

Applejack: *confused* Hold on now. Lemme get this straight. When the Storm King and Storm Queen came, you just abandoned your entire city and fled?

Princess Skystar: *happily* We didn't flee! We swam! Y'know, in order to flee.

Aerialastral- *surprisingly quiet* ...

Nova- *solemn* Not...exactly...we fought back but their forces were too strong so...

Novo- *solemn* We had no choice...

Twilight/Dusk: *confused* But... how?

Princess Skystar/Prince Aerialastral: *to Nova and Novo* Oh! Can we show them? Huh? These are the first guests we've had in, like, foreveeerrr! Can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we?

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