The first date

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Button Mash sat patiently as Sweetie Belle's Sister, Rarity, measured him and sewed something on top of him. Finally, he was asked to look in the mirror. Button looked amazing. He was wearing a tux with white cuffs, and a red bowtie. Rarity handed him flowers to give to Sweetie Belle. Then she turned the corner so that Button could only see her back half.

Rarity had turned on a hairdryer, but it didn't look like she was drying her own hair. Suddenly, she stepped back, revealing Sweetie Belle, who's hair was less curled than usual, and, it seemed, shorter. Hee was also wearing a blue silk dress with a yellow outline. She had a flower in her hair.

Button Mash couldn't control himself as his jaw dropped and the flowers dropped to the floor. Rarity blew onto the hairdryer. Sweetie Belle giggled as Button picked up the flowers and cleared his throat.

When they got to Sugarcube Corner, they walked to a table, and ordered Vanilla milkshakes, just like the first time they had been there together.

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