The..... wedding!?

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I woke on Monday morning. Rarity was in my room, bouncing on my bed. "What's got you so happy?" I ask. "It doesn't matter! Get on your nicest dress and get in the car! We'll get breakfast on the way!" she screamed, running to her room with a giant smile on her face.

'What's got her all worked up?" I say, getting into a blue dress with white cuffs. I then got to the car, where Rarity was waiting, not wearing anything. "Why don't you have to be dressed?" I ask. "You'll see." she says. Okay, now I'm sooooooo confused.

We drive through Mcsoy's (McDonalds, haha!) and order orange juice and egg McMuffins. We eat in the car, which we never get to do. We stop at Button's house. I just sit, confused. "So, would you like to invite your little friend?" Rarity asks.

I suddenly know that this won't be boring. I hop out of the car and run up to Button's porch, ringing the bell. I hear some shuffling inside, and someone yelling: "I got it!" then a Blue colt with orange hair answers the door. "Oh, you must be Controller buzz. I'm looking for Button Mash." I say.

"Oh, so you're Sweetie Belle? Cool. 'Kay, just a sec. BUTTON! YOUR GIRLFRIENDS HERE!" he screams. I cover my ears. He sounds like a reciever going whack. Soon, Button Mash is downstairs. He's blushing. "O-okay. G-go away, Buzz." he says, obviously embarrased by 'Buzz' calling me his girlfriend, even though its true.

"Sorry 'bout him... So what's up?" Button asks. "Oh, well-" I stop. "Why are you wearing a tux?" I ask. Button freezes. "Oh, Rarity called......?" he says, flinching. "She wants me to go somewhere with you." he says, and hops out, going to the car. I smile. At least we didn't have to wait long.

When we get in, Rarity thanks Button for coming. "My pleasure." he says. Wait, was he in on it too?! I mean, I have no idea what 'it' is, but he obviously knows.

Soon, we pull up at a church. What? "You two go inside and find a seat. I'll be there in a while." she says, pulling out her phone and dialing a number.

Me and Button sit in the middle row, and the very end, where the wall is. Button had been told by Rarity that he could play video games until the event began. She used the word 'event', leaving me still clueless about what the hell was going on. (There might be a few swears in the last few chapters. Only minor swearing, like 'hell' and 'crap')

I watched him play Ponémon. (Pokémon with Poné's. Pronounced Ponymon.) He caught a Ponyta. He played for about four minutes before it evolved into Rapidash. He was amazing. He then put away Joy Boy, and pulled out his Laptop, where he did split-screen multiplayer Minecraft.

We played on our online world that we used when we were at his house and we both had our laptops together. "Dude, there's a Creeper in the house. Don't go in." I say. Soon, something starts, and Button puts away his laptop. He put his hoof on mine, and I blush, which is super easy to notice on my white coat.

FancyPants is at the front. 'He's probably gonna speak.' I look over to my side. Where was Rarity? The thingy was starting!

Soon, my quiestions were answered. Rarity came down the aisle with a white dress, and a bouquet of flowers. My mouth was open. WHY DIDN'T SHE TELL ME?! THIS IS SO AMAZING!

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" I whisper very softly.

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