Chapter 5

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I woke up to the annoying buzzing of my alarm clock reminding me that I have school today. Ughhh right now school can kiss my ass!! I did my daily routine which includes brushing my teeth and hair. Washing my hair and lotioning my legs. I looked through my closet to see what outfit I should wear today for school; I chose to wear my black half shirt with my Multi-colored shorts that are cut at the end. then my black high heels and my sunglasses. I brushed out my natural wavy hair and put in some eyeliner and mascara in. and to top it all off I put on my red cherry flavored lip gloss. After I finished I walked down the stairs to be met by my dad drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Morning dad," I said while walking to grab some cereal,milk, and a bowl out of the pantry.

"Morning Jay. How was your night?" he looked at me briefly then back at the newspaper.

I knew I didn't have to worry about my dad judging my by my choice of clothes. he actually understands that I'm almost an adult. I don't know but today I have this bad ass vibe coming off of me so I wanted to wear this.

"It was ok, how was yours? "I asked while pouring some milk in my bowl.

"Eh, could've been better, how're you holding up?" he looked up at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows," I still remember that day like it was yesterday but I'm ok. I was raised to be strong."

I didn't want to talk about this conversation so I changed it.

" How are things at work?" I asked before putting a mouthful of cereal in my mouth.

"It's going good, I got the promotion." he said proudly.

"Yay !! Good Job Dad!!" I leaned over and pat him in the back.

He smiled, " Thanks Jay," he said while getting up to put his mug in the sink. I drunk the last of my milk then put my bowl in the sink also. I grabbed my school bag and dad grabbed his briefcase. we both headed out to the car and both got in. we buckled our seatbelt and started towards the school.


We got to the school and he stopped the car so I could get out. I grabbed my bag, unbuckled my seatbelt and hugged him bye. I got out of the car and started walking towards the doors of the school. before I went in I turned around to see my dad stop at a stop sign before continuing down the road. I opened the doors and walked in the hallway. soon as u did that everybody eyes were on me. What ? Did I have something in my face ? Oh well. I continued walking towards my locker ignoring all of the stares. I make it there not surprised that Nathan and Chloè were waiting on me. I walked up to them and greeted them.

"Hey guys."



"So any reason why everyone is staring at me today?" I asked curiously.

"Maybe it's because you look hot as hell in that outfit!" Chloè informed me.

"Seriously? no one ever wore this kind of clothes here before?" I looked down at my outfit.

"None other then the 'queen' of Portland High and her two barbies. They don't really like when someone look hotter then them."

I chuckled,"wow ok" I said right before the fist bell rung for first period.

We said our goodbyes and went to our first hour class.

I made my way to the classroom everybody eyes were on me. I didn't care though I just walked to my seat and took out my notebook for notes today. I felt someone staring at me so I looked around and saw two blondes and a brunette glaring at me. Those must be the girls that Nathan and Chloè was talking about. I wonder if one of them sent that message and if so how did they get my number. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to the left to see Harry looking at me too. 'what is up with these people looking at me.' then I remembered the choice of clothes I picked. Well if they aren't used to it they need to get used to it, because all if this staring is uncomfortable. I turned back around when Mr.Huntly came into the room. he started writing notes on the board and I copied all of it down. He finished and told us to study it because of a test Friday. I was putting my books back in my bag when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket and unlocked it. I had a text message from an unknown number. 'What if it's the person from last night?'i asked myself. I opened the message and read,

Im Falling for the Bad Boy... HARDWhere stories live. Discover now