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Sorry, we haven't been able to post, we just started new schools. NightShadow has made a book called Royals.  Please vote and comment, here's very short Chapter 19:

I shiver slightly next to the campfire. All of my extremities, are freezing. Fenn seem's to notice. He sits next to be and puts his arm around me. I bury my face in his shoulder. Zoe has gotten really sick, and all I've been able to contribute to her is comforting words and a friend to talk with. Remorse fills me inside. I break. I start to cry. Fenn puts a strand of my hair behind my ear. He takes me into the woods. I look up at him. He smiles weakly. We appear beside a river. We sit on a rock. We kiss. Then Fenn disappears from next to me. I hear a yell. Fenn is in the river. I scream for help. Nico runs next to me. "Fenn is in the water! We need to help him!" I yell. He looks at me with sarcasim in his eyes. Nico picks up a long stick and pushes it into the water. Fenn grabs hold of it and Nico pulls it out the other end. Fenn comes out of the water coughing and shivering. I tackle him to to the ground covering him with kisses. Fenn returns them and pulls me closer. Nico grimaces watching us. That makes me stop. I get up and stretch my hand out to him. He stares at me n confusion for a second, then grabs my hand, letting me pull him up. I pull him closer to my body so that our noses are touching. He moves his hands to my waist as pushes me onto him. I gasp, making him smile. And he takes that moment to kiss me as hard as possible. His hands seem to stabilize me as we both sway on the spot. I put my hand onto his chest and push him away. As we part I can see his mind racing to see if he did something wrong. I lower my gaze, not wanting to look in his eyes. He strokes my hair. I push him completely away and run into the woods, then realize that I went the wrong way, but I see the light of a fire.

But, there's only one tent. I slowly step towards the tent and hear moaning. A twig snaps behind me. I grab my axe. I open the door of the tent, hoping to not see something wrong, but i focus inside the tent and see... Kym and Percy?

They don't seem to notice me, so I slowly move away. No, not them. My mind races, replying the image of them in the tent. Why them. I have to tell Zoe. I think.

. . .

By the time I run back to the campsite, Fenn is on the ground twitching, turning blue with the cold, Zoe, Nico and Raven trying to start a fire. Raven is crying and Nico and Zoe are stone-faced, as they struggle in the falling snow. I run to him and drag Fenn in to the tent and rub my hands on his chest, he just freezes his eyes still open. I scream, frantically rubbing harder. None off the others come in. I take his jacket and shirt off and replace them with just my dry jacket. He seems to have stop twitching. His eyes flutter a little, and that scares me.

I press my lips to his as if that would just make this over. I kiss him hard and I can feel his heartbeat get faster and up to where it should be before I realize whats happening. I'm lying on top of him, with my hands around his neck, kissing him as hard as possible. As I take a breath, he grins.

Lots of cliffhanger, sorry. We hope you liked it. Will post soon, bye! 

-Silver and Nightshadow King

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