The betrayal part

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I mean this has to be done so yeah, enjoy...

Percy POV
I had spent ages in my cabin, I've barely had a rest. I'll explain, basically Apollo, Leo and Calypso have gone of on their adventure and Tyson came round. After everything I want Annabeth to have something physical to bond us. I mean, yeah, she knows I love her and I she loves me, at least I hope. I've been making a ring. Okay, before you say anything, no it's not a marriage ring, it's a promise one. I asked Tyson to teach me a few tricks about making stuff because I want to make the ring myself. I've finally finished it after months, I feel bad because I haven't seen Annabeth in so long. I'm going over to the Hecate cabin to get something now.

New person POV (Hecate's child)
Someone knocked on our door, I opened it up and saw Percy standing there. His hair was messy, it was always messy but this time wasn't stylishly messy, his face was dirty and he was wearing the clothes I had last seen him in. Despite everything, his sea green eyes were sparkling, I stared at them for a bit, admiring them. And no, I don't 'like, like' Percy, I already had someone. "Uh Robin (That's her name)?" He said.
"Oh yeah," It was like I just snapped awake, "What can I do for you?"
"I wanted a potion..." he trailed off.
"What kind?" I asked.
"It's difficult to explain but-" He started rambling "You know," I cut him off, "there's a potion I have, it's like a canvas, you put your idea into it and it will work."
"That sounds amazing, can I have a bit?" He didn't realise, but he was doing puppy eyes and I couldn't say no.
"Yeah, sure." He reached out as I gave it to them and the state of his hands were terrible. He had chipped nails, dirt smeared all over them and he had a few tiny cuts. I wonder what he was doing.

Percy POV
I got back to the cabin and tried to sum up what I wanted the potion to do. Robin had told him to say what he wanted to the bottle and it should change colour when it was done, you could request the colour if you wanted. What I wanted let's think, I got it. "When Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase love each other let the potion flow." I said. The ring was silver and hollow glass intertwined with each other. I injected the potion into the glass and closed it up. I chose sea green for the colour. As I wanted, the potion was flowing, I hoped it never stopped. I was just about to go to her cabin but then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. "YEASH!" I said out loud. I jumped in the shower and got changed into the nicest thing I owned. "Okay, I'm ready now." I set off to the Athena cabin.
---Time Skip---
Malcolm opened the door. "Hey Percy, if you're looking for Annabeth she's down at the beach."
"Okay thanks, Malcolm."
---at the beach---
I was walking along and I saw her. She was sitting next to Jason, they usually don't hang out, I'm happy that my second best friend is getting along with my girlfriend. Her princess curls up in a pony tail. I had the ring in my hand. I was walking toward them and then Jason's hand moved into her hand. I stopped, then shook my head, a stupid idea. I carried on then I could hear their conversation. "I can't believe Piper would do that." I heard Annabeth say. "Yeah, but I'm over her now." Jason smiled. They then held hands and leaned in and they kissed. wait THEY KISSED WHAT THE HELL?! They broke apart "I wouldn't leave you for the hunters Jason."
"A-Annabeth?" I asked. Her head spun around, obviously recognising my voice. "I'm sorry Percy, but Jason's better" she looked down at my hand. The ring fell onto the sand and I ran away. I didn't understand, when I put the  That's potion in, it was flowing, what happened?

Third person POV
Now the ring lay in the sand, lifeless, the sea green turning dull...

Thank you for reading, sorry for grammar stuff I'm still new to this stuff but hoped you enjoyed it!

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