Part 14- the part.....

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Yup this is the part that every Chaos story has, the part which is sometimes people's favourite part or least favourite part (it's my favourite) anyways, enjoy....

Chaos POV
"Uh, yeah." He said, "That's actually part of what I wanted to talk to you all about." I looked at him, not believing what he was about to say. "I want to show you my identity." He said, everyone except Rhaisa gasped.
"Pe-Winter are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, why did I let that first fart slip out, I'm such an idiot. "Yes Chaos," He said, glaring at me only a bit. "What do you mean 'Pe'?" Spring asked, "Is that part of his real name? Is it Peter, no, please says it's not Peter, please it's something cooler than that. Peter's just like, 'hey, I'm Peter' like, y'know, ugh."
When did Spring get so excited? "What's so wrong about the name Peter? The explanation you gave wasn't great, what's 'hey, I'm Peter' supposed to mean?" Winter said.
"Oh, sorry! Your name is Peter, I'm so sorry, Peter is a lovely name," Spring apologised. Winter rolled his eyes "No, my name isn't Peter," he said.
"So what is it?" Spring asked.
"I was getting to that," Percy sneered, his dislike for Spring showing.
"Now before you actually do it Winter, what changed your mind?" I asked, genuinely confused. 
"It's just that if we're going to go through this, I need all of you to trust me and I think that would be quite hard to do while I'm wearing a hood." He answered. Spring scoffed and I heard her mutter "You got that right." What happened to her cheery attitude earlier?
"So here goes," Percy said reaching up to his hood, he then pulled it down. "My name is Percy Jackson, former son of Poseidon and son of Sally Jackson." He said, everyone but me then gasped.

Summer POV
I can't believe this. The Percy Jackson, I didn't think I would see him again, oohhh Spring is gonna freak. "Wait Rhaisa? Why did you gasp? Do you know who he is?" I asked, did other planet beings know him? "No," Rhaisa said, "It's just because he's better looking than I thought," she just shrugged. Win- I mean Percy just ignored that comment, I guess even before his makeover he dealt with this kind of thing. "You know Percy," I said, he winced at the sound of his name, what happened? "I'm a bit offended."
"What do you mean? Did you not like me or something," he guessed.
"No, n-n-n-n-no, it's just you didn't recognise me," he shot me a quizzical look, "I cant believe you wouldn't remember your boy Mc Shizzle!" I announced.
"LEO?!" He gasped/shouted, "I didn't see you after you went off! What was it like after I left? Didn't you come back?"
Memories came flooding back about what happened after my adventure with Apollo and Calypso, "I didn't go back, I stayed on Calypso's island, we decided we were happy there. But for some reason after some time a lost hero came to her island and uh, she, she left me for him." It didn't make me sad anymore, it's okay if she moved on. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said.
"No, it's okay, she's happy now. But what happened to you? Why don't you like Camp Half Blood? Why don't you like being called Percy anymore?" I paused and really looked at him, "What happened to your eyes?"
Percy sighed, "I'll tell you, but I just wanna sit down first."

Percy POV
When I sat down in the sofa I told them everything, start to finish. After I stopped talking I looked up at them all, I felt tears in my eyes. They all had shock plastered over their faces, even Chaos was shocked for some reason. "I-I didn't know Percy, I'm so sorry.." Spring said, not sure what's else to say, I saw apology in her eyes. "Please, can you still call me Winter? I'm not ready to be 'Percy' again." I asked.
"But what do you mean? You say it like you're two different people." Autumn said, I knew she didn't mean any offence. "It's just, Percy was open with everyone, he was nice to everyone, even gave monsters a second chance-but that made him weak, he trusted people too much and then when he got betrayed, it hurt more than it should, it took years to get over it. Though I kept a mask on, not wanting my pain to effect anyone else." I sighed, I trusted these people more than anyone on Earth, even Spring now, it was because they earned my trust, I didn't just give it to them. "Per-Winter, can I talk to you alone," Chaos said to me, I nodded and followed him outside. "Which room?" I asked him. "The Lounge," He said, I never got used to how many rooms there were, a living room and a lounge? Instead of saying that I said "Okay." I recalled the book in my mind and the door popped up. Chaos sat down and patted the leather seat next to him, I sat down. He then started to talk, "I'm proud of you Percy, I know your life after the incident hasn't been great, well it's been horrifically terrible, but you still saw what was important. And you were right, if you hadn't revealed your identity they wouldn't have trusted you." He said not pausing at any time. "When are we actually going?" I asked, dreading the answer.
"After youve learnt how to fight together." He answered.
"When would that be?" I asked once again.
"Well," He said, "that depends on all of you." I just nodded.
"Also I wanted to apologise," He said, quietly.
"What do you mean? You've done everything for me." I was genuinely confused.
"It's just, I didn't know you were suffering all that time, and I want you to know that you can tell me anything. If you ever end up feeling that way again, for some reason, tell me, I can help you." I could see his eyes were watering, I knew what he was thinking-that after all this time I didn't trust him enough to tell him I was suffering. "Okay, I'll do that," now I could feel moisture in my eyes. "Well," He said, standing up and sniffing, "We better get training, time isn't one of our luxuries right now." He chuckled a bit, but I knew it was a cover up, what had I done to him? He's my father, my friend. Though instead of saying that, I said "Yeah." He then walked out. I sat there for a moment before getting up, now realising my charade just made everything worse.

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