Part 6 The Truth about Flight Sergeant Ferremden

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"So errr what did you do in the airforce?"

I asked this as I was talking to Quacks.

"Well I was a Corporal engineer"

I was shocked. I'd never actually met an actual engineer before.
Wow he could fix our tanks make them better and even...

I'm getting carried away...

"Well that's amazing, Quacks"

Then I said something that I shouldn't have.

"Hey since you were a Corporal in the Airforce then couldn't you still be a Corporal in the Army"

"I don't know..."

"Well now you are, Corporal Quacks"

If the General found out he would literally kill me. So I showed him around the camp and told him about the base and stuff like that when he said,

"Hey have you ever met anyone from the airforce before?"

Hmmmm...Oh yeah I know  Flight Sergeant Ferremden. Then I reply,

"Flight Sergeant Ferremden"


He was in shocked. I panicked.

"Why what's wrong with Flight Sergeant Ferremden"

"Oh...he's been known to trick navy soldiers and army soldiers into go into the airforce"

He was talking in a mysterious voice. It was a little weird. But then it hit me...

"Not on my watch..."

That's what he had said last time I met him. Why would he do that. Just to try and make the airforce better?

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