2 cool 4 skool

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"Dude, what the fuck?!"

"I'm not going to apologize. He's an annoying punk. I'M OLDER! HE SHOULD RESPECT ME!!"

"But I loved him!"

"But he was my best friend!"

"BuuUT he's not deAd!"

While the men were talking, Hana crawled with difficulty next to Yoongi.

She was sobbing as a bloody hand covered her mouth.

Hana was frightened at the surprise, but cooled down, noticed it was her best friend, still alive.

They got away in silence, leaving behind the arguing men, the unconscious one and a blood stain on the ground.

Hana turned her head towards the arguing men. Her eyes shifted to the back of the van that had its doors opened. Her gaze landed on what miraculously seemed like Yoongi's gun.

The young girl benefited the situation to sneak around the car and take the gun as the argument was getting louder. She then returned to her friend in pain.

"He's not dead?!" "No, he is not! I missed his heart..." the crazy driver mumbled the last part.

The two others both looked at each other with happiness in their eyes before running to their partner.

"Yo yo yo wake up buddy!" The boy with the deepest voice shook his friend.

"Guys..." the flirty one stood up and called the attention of his group.

"Where's the cute angry boy and his not-supposedly girlfriend?"

The three of them still awake gathered around a blood of stain, which in the middle was resting a single rock.

They panted as they were jogging in a hurry far from where they were.

Suddenly, Yoongi pulled on Hana's hand as he stopped and sat on the ground, laying his back on the wall of a giant building. At the touch, he scrunched his nose from the pain.

Hana turned back and crouched next to him. "I think...we're good..." she was still out of breath.

"We should fix this, before it's too late!" Hana analyzed Yoongi's wound at his clavicle from the shot he received.

"Hhh...yeah but...not here..." Yoongi tried to get up and instantly lost his balance, causing his to crash his back on the hard wall of bricks.

Containing his scream inside, Yoongi reached out his arm. Hana bent her knees a little to fit under his arm. She placed it on her shoulders and helped the boy to get up.

They continued to walk along the dark street that was too quiet for a Purge night.

The two friends were supporting each other in the streets when a distinguished building caught Hana's attention.

"The school over there, the infirmary must have something to clean you up" she pointed out as she was already leading their way towards the building.

The two friends approached the campus and passed by a fenced basketball field. Inside, there was echoes of two men laughing out loud and some tapping sound. They stopped in front of it to see the two strangers playing basketball.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw a body on the ground. They were scoring baskets with its decapitated head.

When the boy leaned his eyes on his friend, her eyes were even bigger.

The silent caught Yoongi's attention back to the men. They were looking at them, fingers gripped on the fence, with somewhat a creepy smile.

Hana decided to move on and leave them alone, doing their...stuff. Yoongi had no other choice but to follow her since she was kinda supporting his weight.

Hana left Yoongi against a wall and seemed to search for something on the ground.

Yoongi only had the time to quickly glance at his wound when a crashing sound startled him.

"WHAT THE- what the fuck did you do?!" Yoongi started to yell, but whispered loudly so he wouldn't attract anyone dangerous.

Hana stared at him for a few seconds not bothered at all of what she just did. "Well...I broke...the window...with a rock... Wasn't that obvious?"

"Oh don't play that game with me" Yoongi muttered. "Why? It's vandalism. Have you tried the door?!" His eyes were shaking.

"It'S vAnDaLiSm" she mocked the boy. "C'mon" Hana said as she was already climbing the window.

Yoongi hesitated.

"Come on!!! Is little Yoongi-oppa scared to enter a school?" the girl pouted her lips before laughing her ass off while walking in the dark corridor.

Yoongi frowned his eyebrows. "No, I'm not scArEd" he denied with a low voice so only him would hear himself. "It's just that-ahhh" he spoke louder, but then sighed. "She can't hear me anyway."

The laugh of the two basketball players resonated in the whole campus, giving shivers to Yoongi who quickly dragged himself inside. The boy uneasily started to walk in the direction where his best friend headed. This was one hell of a sinister corridor from a primary school.

Short chapter, sorry!!

I hope you guys enjoy reading this book. I know the updates are slow, but I'm writing too many stories at the same time (my bad).

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