7 pm

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Yoongi woke up to a delicious and flavorful scent.

He walked out of the bedroom and squinted his eyes from the sunlight. "What are you cooking" he asked as he scrubbed one of his eyes.

"Eggs and bacon" Hana smiled while she flipped an egg.

"Your eyes, nose, lips, your touch that used to touch me, to the ends of your fingers. I can still feel you. But like a burnt out flame." "Burnt and destroyed all of our love" they both sang the last words together, even though, Yoongi's high notes obviously need help.

"Why are you listening to this song. It always gets stuck in my head so easily " Yoongi groaned.

"Because it always gets stuck in your head" Hana repeated with a smirk.

"It's ready!! Take a seat" Hana added as she took out two plates.

During the breakfast, they were having a conversation about tonight's event.

"So, are you ready for tonight?" Hana asked Yoongi who stopped chewing when he looked up to her.

He shrugged his shoulders, "meh! I'm just gonna sleep. Like every other nights. " Yoongi continued to eat.

"Your house doesn't seem extremely barricaded well. What if someone--" "nobody will come to my house, don't worry. If so, I have a gun. I know how to use it" he interrupted her.

"...well I hope it works out for you. If you want, you can pass the Purge with me and my mom" her intonation made it sound like a question.

"I'll have to think about it..." Yoongi took a bite of bacon.

"No" he answered.

Hana stayed quiet for a moment. "Be careful Yoongi. You never know who can come at your door. Especially through a night like this." She stared at him.

Yoongi could obviously notice how caring she was for him and most of all, how scared she was. They were best friends since their youngest age and it always seemed like Yoongi was taking care of her, but actually, she was always there for him whenever he needed her.

"You...want to stay?" Yoongi hesitated.

"No" she answered. Then she grinned at him.

He gave her the same grin before it dropped, "you have bacon between your teeth."

"Oh!" Hana quickly covered her mouth and shyly removed it with her thumb.

Yoongi wasn't that worried about her. He knows how she can defend herself. Maybe she wasn't showing her skills at school, but if she was, little pricks like Dosoung, the guy that fought with her yesterday, they would all be dead, being confronted to Hana.

6:57 pm

"Darling, did you closed all the windows and made sure that they were locked" Hana's mother asked from the kitchen.

Hana was sitting on the couch, watching tv and waiting impatiently for the announcement. "Yeah yeah." She didn't took her eyes off the screen.

"The door is locked up too?" Her mom was checking on a small list of stuff that had to be done before the time was done.

"Yes mom, I verified the whole house. You'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight. Nothing will happen" Hana spoke with a serious tone.

7 pm
"Mom!! Come quick! It's starting!" Hana jumped on the couch excitedly as the tv screen went blue.

"Calm down Hana! Jeez, why are you so happy every time it's the Purge, hm? Should I be worried..?" She raised and eyebrows as she sat next to her daughter.

Hana chuckled a bit, "shhhh!" "Emergency Broadcast System. This is not a test. This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.
Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted.
Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.
Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.
Police, fire and all emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 am when the Purge concludes.
Blessed be our new Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.
May God be with you all" a robotic female voice spoke before a loud siren went off in the entire town. Then, the tv screen returned to its normal program.

"So, what should we do to pass the time?" Hana asked her mother. "Well first of all...I have a BIG mission for you...that won't be easy..." her gaze was so serious, causing shivers down Hana's spine. 'Will she really sent me out?!' she thought, discreetly excited. "You...do the dishes" her mom said, batting her eyelashes with a smile.

Hana sighed. Her boring task popped her balloon. The girl walked forcefully to the sink, escaping tiny whining sounds from her mouth.

While Hana was washing a pot, humming a song, she heard a strident scream coming from down the road. By surprise, she dropped the cauldron in the soapy water, which splashed her. Her curiosity took over and Hana carefully leaned towards the window that was right in front of her.

The girl gasped as she pulled off and crouched towards the floor, bitting her fist. Hana didn't thought and took another peek at the scene. A bulky guy, dressed with a pale blue flannel covered in blood, was standing in front of his dead victim, machete in hand. That poor woman had cuts everywhere and her stomach was sliced open, letting all the blood flowing on the ground, forming a dark red puddle around her dead body.

Then the man started to move. He bent down and caressed her cheek, removing some messy hair away from her damaged face. The bulky man switched his gaze from her head to her hips. With his giant hands, he grabbed her sides to turn her body. All the guts were starting to slip out her stomach, spilling more and more blood.

Hana was disgusted, but couldn't look away.

The man then put his hands in every pockets of her jeans and got out everything he could reach: money, credit cards, jewelry, and a picture. He slowly stood up and stared at the small photo for a long moment.

"What's on that?" Hana muttered to herself.

Once he put back the picture in his pocket, with the rest of the woman's gears, his dark eyes lifted up in Hana's direction.

She crouched on the ground as soon as she met his cold gaze. Hana's breath started to get faster, her eyes were wide and her full body was trembling.

The girl waited a few minutes and decided to carefully look back outside the window. He was still there, staring at her.

The bulky man raised his machete and pointed it in her direction. After, he crossed the street and walked away from Hana's apartment.

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