Donovan's Party.

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Everybody was dancing.

It was Donovan's release party.

Ciara was chilling with jasmine and Melody.

While Sade hung around Serenity,

They was the thots.

Very known, Sade always hated Ciara for some odd reason.

One time she Thought Santo and Ciara was sleeping together but they proved her evil ass wrong.

Ciara didn't pay Them any attention though she was too busy watching Jacob mingle with the guys..

( At the boy's table)

[ Donovan] yeah man, Thank y'all for coming I really appreciate it!

[Joseph] it's all love cuz. We just glad you doing some with your music you really blowing up nigga!

[Pierre] yeah man. You really getting around now, Proud of ya man.

[Santo] bro yo music is Rocking! My nigga! Never knew you had it in you! Glad to see you making money moves!.

[Ray] yeah man I'm proud of you too. Like Joseph said its all love my nigga we Homies we gone fall thru every time you need us!

The Rage: Mental insecurities. (Santo August)Where stories live. Discover now