Loveless & Lifeless.
I spent months trying to understand you, we were in a rushed relationship.
I know everything you allowed me to know.
Which wasn't much, but I respected your not so open soul.
I watched you.
I listened to you, I made sure I reassured you that I loved you.
I put my emotions aside, just so you could wear yours on your sleeves for me.
So I wouldn't have to listen so much, and overthink the tone of your voice.
It got tiring picking you apart, I feel the more I dug the greater the distance got.
You buried your emotions in weak arguments, I couldn't dare question your love for me.
Sometimes you belittled me, you made me feel powerless.
I bowed down to a girl that felt nothing, but everything at the same time.
I stabbed my own heart for you just so it would bleed a bucket of ink, that I used writing you pointless poems about love that you never actually read.
A year later you're looking for love in a heart you destroyed, and threw away with all your other barren.
It's too bad I don't love you anymore, and it's too bad I don't feel enough to even go down that path with you again.
I'm emotionally deprived.
I'm fed up.