1. The mock time turner

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The loud doorbell made me jump from my nap and I sat up groggily. The bell rang again so I made my way towards the door grumbling. Why does someone always have to disturb my lovely slumber? Anyway I opened the door to find a delivery boy.

"Are you Divya?" He asked. I nodded. He handed me a small package. " Where is this from", I asked.

"Amazon". He replied.
Oh yes! Now I remembered I had ordered four days ago on amazon.com , the site which offers the lowest prices.

I excitedly took my package and paid for it. Closing the door I rushed inside and literally tore it open. The time turner. Not original obviously. The prototype necklace which was available under Harry potter jewelry. It was exactly the same as I had seen in the film ' prisoner of azkaban '.

I turned the small hourglass shape many times just like that. It was a good enough timepass.

In the evening, I showed it to my younger brother who just said, " good good."

"What do you mean 'good good'? Aren't you glad at seeing this? Come on, you also like this, you are also a potterhead." I said.

" I never said I don't like Harry potter but what more do you expect me to react? I said it's good and that's it. You shouldn't dwell on it too much. It's just a duplicate. A replica. Don't go mad about it. Wear it and be happy."

"Hao theek hai( ok fine)." I huffed. " Listen, I'm going to my room and preparing my college assignment of English literature. By the time, you do your homework and prepare your school bag. Before going to sleep, we'll have our milk, ok? " I asked.

" Go on. " He gestured towards the stairs.

My brother, five years younger, was not exactly what you call a potterhead, but liked the series anyway. He hadn't read all the books, only the Cursed Child. But saw all the movies. Though he'd never admit it, he enjoyed the what's and why's I told while watching the films about certain things or incidents that happened in the series and the logic behind them.

Again, while doing my assignment, I was distracted so I started playing with the time turner. I had always enjoyed the concept of time travel.

But it is a concept untouched and mysterious in real life. The time machines I know were the ones I saw in cartoons like Doraemon and Kiteretsu, two popular Japanese cartoon shows ( yeah, they are broadcasted in Hindi dubbing in India).

But,I always thought if I had a time machine, I would go back in time to witness the glorious past of India which we study in history books. See the making of the Taj Mahal, or the glorious moment when India achieved its freedom. Or if it was possible, the era of king Vikram Aditya and betal, the stories we read of.

Snapping out of my reverie, my eyes wandered to the Harry potter series in a corner shelf of my room. My thoughts again went to the series. The concept of time travel was made popular again by JK Rowling through her books, which gave birth to many HP fanfictions.

In the books, all the time turners were destroyed in Harry's fifth year, during the battle of the Department of Mysteries. But they were resurrected in the Cursed Child, quite liberally may I add ( no offense, Jkr) .

But then, these books have a charm of their own, that forever bounds us to them. No matter what, you can never hate it. Even it's proved by science that the ones who have read Harry potter are considerably better people than others.

I gazed the thickest book of the series, Order of the Phoenix. This book,if not the best, is certainly interesting. The way Fred and George rock this book,terror of umbitch, sorry Umbridge, the growing chemistry of Remus and Tonks and not to forget the DA. But the book ended on a sad note with Sirius's death.

I focused my attention on my time turner again. This time I noticed something strange. The sand. Yes, its not unusual to see sand in an hour glass but this is a mock time turner and this had, on closer inspection I found, glittery sand. Now I actually became curious and a little afraid, I don't know why.

I don't know what came over me, I started shaking it after giving it a long stare. But then I saw something glittery on my fingers.

On closer inspection I saw it was a golden powdery substance.

Shit!! It was the sand from the time turner. A very small hole was looking back at me from the contraption. I think my constant shaking broke it.

I cursed. It's not yet 24 hours and I already broke it.

I got up thinking ways to explain my parents how I broke a new thing accidentally. Then I noticed that thing spilt on my fingers, I rubbed it with my thumb. It felt so smooth.

Then it started glowing. I mean isn't it strange that you rub something and instead of losing its shine, it's glowing more and more? My fingers looked like I spilled golden glitter.

But the golden sand thing was continuously spilling on my hands. Slowly, but continuously. I became afraid now and started shaking my hands vigorously to get rid of it.

But it was glowing more and more.

" Jay! Jay!" I called my brother frantically. More likely yelled. The glow was growing stronger and brighter. It was now enveloping me.

I picked up my phone to call him but first I had to enter the password. I started doing that but this glow was faster.

I was badly terrified when suddenly, it grew its brightest and I felt my feet swept off the ground and the feeling of being pulled somewhere surrounded me completely.


A/N: Hello guys. This is my first attempt at writing a story. Though I'm an English literature student, English is not my native language. So if there's any mistake, please tell me. And please give it a chance. I promise you won't regret it. Like you, even I want to read good stories, so I will make an honest attempt for you all.
Thank you.

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