5. You are what?

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"How old are you?"


"Where are you from?"

"Mumbai, India."

"Which year did you pass out from Hogwarts?

"First year... wait. What? Hogwarts?"


"I didn't go to Hogwarts. I studied in St. Stevens. Why would I go to Hogwarts?"

Now they looked at me like I was mad. 

"To get your magical education, of course." This was professor McGonagall this time. They were kind enough to introduce themselves later, after I recovered from shock about my situation.

"Why would I need magical education?"

"Because you are a witch, aren't you?"

How dare they use that word for me.... Oh wait. I was going to get outraged but then I realised their meaning. I chuckled on that. Should I tell them? Oh it'll be so much fun. Their expressions would be priceless. 

"Well, you see, I am not." I said that with a straight face. 

"Then? Oh you must be a squib then." They were curious now. 

Time to drop the bomb now. He he he.

"Eww no. I'm a muggle. You know the non magic folk?"

Pin drop silence. As expected. I was barely able to laugh out loud on their faces. They looked gobsmacked and were looking at each other and back to me. 

"Are you serious? Do you really mean what you said? You are not playing a prank on us, are you?" It was Remus Lupin, my favourite character in the Harry Potter series. I honestly loved him since he was introduced in the third book. Mostly because of him, I love the Prisoner of Azkaban.

"You really think I'm in a position to be playing pranks with you? Professor Lupin, believe me that's the truth. If I was really a wizard, witch I mean, I wouldn't be surprised when professor Dumbledore gave me a flying experience. I am pretty serious this time."

"But if you're really a muggle, how do you know about us, our world, you-know-who, the Order, its headquarters? Muggles are unaware of our existence. At least that's what we have always known and observed." This was Nymphadora Tonks, the metamorphmagus auror and Remus's future wife. She's also one of my favourites, and I really love their couple together.

Now that left me thinking. How was I supposed to tell them that they were the fictional characters of a book written by a famous author and that I have just discovered they exist in reality? And all the 'muggles' around the world are aware of their existence, not ignorant as they perceive us to be. 

"And if you are indeed aware of our existence, are there others who know about us too? How is it in future?" Meet Mr. Kingsley Shacklebolt, the wonderful auror who was also part of the Advance Guard sent to retrieve Harry.

Before I was able to speak, Dumbledore interrupted us.

"You must be careful to not reveal too much of the future. It can lead to disastrous results. And all of you must refrain yourselves from asking her about future."

Everyone nodded including me.

"Okay sir. So how do I begin? It's complicated. But let me tell you this, most of muggles know about your world and your existence. Only people choose to ignore, or some simply don't care. But, your people don't know that we know about you. You live under this illusion that people are unaware, sometimes ignorance is bliss. Well this is 1995, so we don't know yet. But the world discovered you in 1997. That's all I can say right now, without revealing much like professor Dumbledore said."

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