6. Meeting everyone.

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I woke up feeling groggy again, so didn't open my eyes yet.

Suddenly everything came flashing by. Time turner, Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore, 1995, sigh.

"I must be dreaming. There's no way this can happen in reality. Yes, I AM dreaming." I muttered. 

There was a knock on the door while I was busy rambling. 

"Are you awake dear?" Ah! So I was not dreaming at all. 'Mrs. Weasley' was standing out there. Ronald Weasley's mother and the woman who defeated Bellatrix Lestrange, yes the very same.

"I'm awake." I called out.

The door opened and she came in with a bright smile on her face. Yes I was no longer dreaming. 

I sat up as she put a pair of neatly folded clothes on the foot of my bed.

"Good morning. How are you feeling now? Slept nicely?"

"Good morning Mrs. Weasley. I'm feeling refreshed now. Thank you. But I also feel slightly dizzy. I don't know why." I asked confused. 

"Don't worry, must be the effects of time travel." She said a bit cautiously. "Here, I bought you a pair of fresh clothes. Change into them and come down for breakfast. I hope they fit you." 

"Thank you so much."

"Oh that's nothing dear. And also you can meet everyone. The kids are excited to meet you. Just remember not to tell them anything from the future. Okay?"

"Sure, I won't."

Then she left me to change and freshen up. I got up and changed into the jeans and t shirt she gave me. the tshirt was fine but the jeans was a bit tight, but something is better than nothing. Since I didn't have a comb, I combed with my fingers and put my hair in a ponytail. Taking a deep breath I stepped out.

The hallway was just as I remembered, dark and dingy. But I just realized that I still had my phone with me so I switched on the torch. It made the way finding a bit easier. Besides, it was the only reminder of the reality, i.e the present.

I didn't know which way to go so I just followed down the stairs. I think I got down two floors. Then there was a room where I heard voices. I stood close to the door to listen. The voices were male and female both, adults and teenagers. Must be safe to go in, I thought so I knocked and peeped in. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I got uncomfortable with the attention so I asked, "Mrs. Weasley?"

She heard me from over the stove and beamed at me. 

"Come in come in. Don't just stand there."

I entered the room and just sat down.  It was getting awkward so I decided to break the ice. "Good morning."

It was Sirius who first responded. "Good morning future girl!" He said cheerfully.

"Aw come on I have a name."

"You do? That's great. But I think I'll stick to 'future girl'. Has a nice ring to it."

"Thank you ." I smiled.

"How are you feeling now? Molly said you were not feeling well." Remus asked. 

"Oh yes. I don't know why but I am feeling slightly dizzy. And now stomach is feeling a bit upset too." I sighed.

"Must be the after effects of time travel. After all you have travelled years instead of the usual hours. By the way, how does it feel?"

It wasn't Lupin who answered, so I looked over at the end of the table at the source f the new voice. It was a girl, around 15 with bushy hair and an intelligent face. She was sitting in between  redheads, a boy and a girl. They were looking curiously at my exchange with Sirius and Remus.

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