2. What happened?

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I felt spinning round and round and came to a halt abruptly. As soon as I stopped spinning, I felt ground beneath my feet which I was thankful for. As soon as I stood, my feet gave up and I fell on my knees. That was really painful.

My hands felt the floor and I realized it was a wooden flooring. But then it struck me, my home doesn't have any wooden flooring. Then, where am I?

And it was so dark I could hardly make out anything. In a distance I saw a tiny blue light which went out. Again it blinked. Then I suddenly realised it could be my phone. Yes indeed it was. I picked it up and turned on the torch.

I walked along the dark corridor and saw old fashioned gas lamps on the wall. Where the hell was I?

Suddenly I tripped over something. My phone fell out of my hands and on the floor again. I picked it up and was about to stand up when I suddenly heard horrible screaming sounds of a woman.It was so horrible that I had to cover my ears.

That moment exactly I heard footsteps. Seemed like at least two or three people were coming. I hurriedly shut off the torch and stuffed the phone in my pocket. I was able to make out a small wooden cabinet that stood against the wall so I hid beside it, out of sight.

Now people, as I said 2 or 3 maybe, came and did something that stopped the horrible noise. But in the process, they were yelling. I could make out sentences like "Shut up, you old hag" and "Keep quiet, you miserable woman". How polite!

Finally, there was peace. I gave a huge sigh of relief. But then I suddenly realised my mistake and quickly put my hand on my mouth. I don't know because of my mistake or their presence of mind, someone asked the question that froze me in my place.

" Who knocked down the umbrella stand?" A growling, no-nonsense voice asked.

" I don't know." A calm but suspicious voice replied. "Everyone's inside and the kids are upstairs. And the one who usually trips over it is inside too."

"I'll go ahead and check the door. After all only we can open it." A third voice said.

I held my breath when a man walked from right in front of me holding something which was glowing at the tip. It was something like a thin stick.
Since he was looking straight ahead I was safe, at least for a while. If he just looked down left, I would be dead meat.

He went down to the door which was not far from my hiding place. He came back and stood again at the previous place with those two, which was again out of my sight, and announced," There's nobody."

"There's only one way of finding out now." A voice said, and I being panicked was unable to recognise which of the three was it. Hell! What was he going to do now?

One of them muttered something. I don't know what happened but I felt as if something swooped down on me and I barely restrained myself from shouting out loud in surprise.

"Hey there! Whoever you are we've found you so come out on your own. Do it before we take matters in our hands and it won't be so good. Come out and we'll promise you no harm."

One of them said loudly and now my heart started beating wildly. HOW the hell they found me without moving from their place?

"Last warning. Come out. There's no use fighting us because we're three and you're all alone. Come out quickly and surrender."

Shit! They also know that I'm alone here. And who are they? How are they able to detect someone's presence without moving an inch? Do they have some super high tech device? And most importantly, were they terrorists? And would they do if I get in their hands? Would they.....?

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