4. Yes I Believe You.

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"Open your mouth, miss."


I looked around. It was the new male who entered the room just now and then I realized he was speaking to me. I still continued to stare at him blankly.

"I said open your mouth, miss. Or I'll be forced to use extreme measures." The voice was so soft, but it sent shivers down my spine. I assessed him.

Tall, lean, black 'robes', face framed by black longish hair, staring down at me coldly. He had a tiny glass phial in his hand.

Somehow I found my voice. "Why?"

"To drink this, of course. Now be a good girl and open your mouth."

"Why? What is that? And why should I drink this? And who are you now?" I narrowed my eyes.

"So that we know whether you're speaking the truth or not. Now drink this immediately. As for who I am, I can be your worst nightmare if I'm provoked."

Can't these people ever give a straight answer? Seriously they have issues.

Alright then. Let's think this the Harry Potter way. I racked my brains. Who in the series, dresses black, has black face-framing hair? Who talks rudely, and tries and threaten to force down 'potions' someone's throat?

The answer came a second later. SNAPE.


Snape as in Severus Snape? Snape really???

"Yes. You guessed right. Now open your mouth before I'm impatient."

What? Did I wonder out loud?

"Wait a minute. Are you really? Snape, I mean?"


"Like Severus Snape?"

"Yes yes. Are you done now?"

"Professor Severus Snape? Potions teacher at Hogwarts?"

"The very same. And that's enough now. I've had enough of this."

With that he grabbed my jaw and forced the liquid in the little vial down my throat. 

I felt a water like liquid going down my throat. It was tasteless like water yet you can tell it's not something you drink on a regular basis. But the most panicking part was I felt my mind slowing down and then blanking. It felt like a trance where you have no idea of what is happening around or who you are, the stage when you lose control of your senses. My vision was blurred but I clearly remembered speaking something. What, I don't know. Why, no idea again.

But then suddenly everything came back. My vision started clearing but I felt a slight headache so my hands immediately clutched my forehead. I became aware of the presence of so many people again and everything came rushing back to my memory.

Wait! Weren't my hands bound to the chair? But I looked down and my hands and feet both were unbound. I looked at those people blankly.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience, miss. We now know you are innocent." Dumbledore's lookalike said.

"Huh? What happened? What was that?" I asked struggling to speak.

"Professor Snape just gave you Veritaserum and we asked you some questions. We're now convinced that you're not a death eater." 

"What? How? How were you suddenly convinced that I... Wait a minute! Did you just say Veritaserum? Isn't that the truth potion?" I asked confused.

"Yes. It is."

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