3. Believe it???

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"Kya kaha aapne? Zara fir se to kahiye."

I said not able to and not wanting to believe what he said. I mean seriously, this is going too far. Way too far.

They again looked at me confused. Then I realized I spoke in Hindi again.

"Sorry. I said what did you say. Please repeat." I clarified.

"What do you mean please repeat? Don't you see he's Albus Dumbledore! Even a child can tell that. Can't you?" Someone said annoyingly and sarcastically.

God! What's happening? With great difficulty I controlled myself from yelling. Normally I don't refrain myself at my home but this is not my place and being bound by these dangerous strangers is not very helpful either, is it?

"Yeah right. People are supposed to know everything about someone who they've never seen before, isn't it?" I bit back.

And the nerve of the people, they looked at me like I've gone mad.
Tell me folks, how would you react when someone tells you that he or she is someone who we've read and dismissed as fictional characters. I mean what will you say if a very handsome boy says to you, hi I'm Edward Cullen a vampire. I mean will you believe him just because he's so good looking? And here they are saying that Albus Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore!!!! Would you believe? Okay, for once we agree that he actually exists. But then he's dead. Dead!!!

"Look, who are you all? And where am I? And why have you bound me like this?" This time I asked super politely.

"Miss, rest assured we mean you no harm as long as you give us no reason to believe you're dangerous. And as for who I am, I'm Albus Dumbledore and these people here are working with me for a cause." He replied back politely.

I observed him for a moment. He was the only one I had a better view of, because we were at the 2 ends of the long table. Even in the dim light, his glistening long silver beard was visible, and so were his silver half moon glasses. Now I didn't knew whether he's actually Dumbledore or not, he's done a great job with his appearance complete with a wizard style pointed hat.

Then I suddenly remembered what he said.

"Dangerous! Dangerous?? How can you even think that? I'm an ordinary citizen who's not involved in any sort sort of terrorist activities. Besides I don't even have any sort of weapon with me, do I? And you think I'm dangerous? Maybe you should change your definition of dangerous. " I raised my voice this time.

"Who said you don't have a weapon? We found one in your pocket. " A smug voice said.

What weapon are they talking about?

" What weapon are you talking about? I don't have any. I think you are misunderstood." I said confused.

"What will you say about this? Not a weapon,huh?" Someone said brandishing something. I took a closer look and saw it was my phone.

" Excuse me but who in their right mind calls a phone a dangerous weapon? And you still have not told me who you are. Neither a proper explanation as to why I am bound here and what place this is. " I snapped.

"Didn't he just say that he's Albus Dumbledore? What part of his name you don't understand?"

A female voice said this time. What a relief.

"Well, if you don't want to reveal the identity of your leader, fine by me. But at least stop pulling my leg. Because I'm serious here." I said exasperated.

" There's only one Sirius which is me."

Is the guy mad??? Here I'm bound and confused and the person thinks it's a great time for the serious- Sirius joke?

"Besides," he continued, " how come you are not able to understand the name of the great Albus Dumbledore? Don't tell me you have never heard of his name before because hardly there's anyone who hasn't. Unless you count the Muggles of course." He finished.

Now that's it. People here have gone officially insane or they are using the alibi of the Harry potter to cover their footprints. Which is why I lost it then.

" Yeah right! So you are Sirius Black, aren't you? He's Albus Dumbledore and all the ladies and gentlemen present here are the Order of the Phoenix. And you fight against a Lord Voldemort and protect the wizarding world. And now you'll say this is the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix 12, Grimauld Place, London. Oh, why are you looking like that? Have I missed out something?" I finished my rant and looked at them. Some people looked shocked while some looked terrified and turned white.

Someone cleared throat, a woman to be precise, and asked, " Albus, did you recruit her already before and are yet to introduce perhaps? "

" No, Minerva. You know whenever and whoever I recruit I definitely introduce him or her to everyone. I never recruited her. "

Albus? Minerva?

"Then how on earth does she....." I couldn't hear the rest of whatever she said because she whispered the last part.

"Excuse me, can you at least tell me why am I bound to this chair? And most importantly, why are you suddenly so afraid? Did I say something wrong? And who are you people? You don't really expect me to believe that you are the Order of the Phoenix? And don't tell me Voldemort is really out there because he's dead since 20 years."

As soon as I finished speaking many questions were thrown at me at once.

"How do you know the location of this secret place?"

"Who do you work for? And how did you get in here?"

"How do you know we're the Order of the Phoenix?"

"What did you mean by Voldemort being dead for 20 years?"

I don't know whether I was hallucinating or not, but these folks really think themselves as the Order. What will happen if I answered them in their language? Ok let's give it a try. So I selected the last question.

"About Voldemort, he was defeated and killed by Harry Potter exactly 20 years ago. And dead. Once and for all. No more lucky escape. Of course he had help from his friends Ron and Hermione. And there were more than a hundred witnesses to testify that. And also, all his Death Eaters were either killed or rounded up and thrown in Azkaban for life. So it's all well and good out there. What are you worried about? There's no Voldemort running out there now. Relax."

I spoke in a calm voice.

"Now will you release me? Please?" I pleaded.

There was a long silence that followed. Maybe they were thinking about what I said.

"So...", I prodded, "what do you propose?"

"We just have to be sure about you not being hostile. Rest assured we mean you no harm. Just wait for a while."

"I am not hostile, alright. And what are we waiting for? What will tell you I'm not hostile?"

"We are waiting for someone to arrive. He would prove to us you are safe. And not a Death Eater. So please cooperate."

Death eater! They think I'm a bloody Death eater?!! HOW DARE THEY??? I fumed internally. No matter what I say they don't believe me. But, I sighed, I can't do anything not when I am bound and overpowered many to one.

"I am not a bl- Death eater. But who are you waiting for anyways?" I was curious and a bit afraid too.

But a new male voice made its presence known.

"Headmaster? I've brought what you asked for. Who am I supposed to interrogate?"

Headmaster Dumbledore replied,

"Ah, Severus! You came at the right time."



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