Chapter 29: Reinforcements

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"Oh my fuck, Kelsey, my love," Kiki murmured, setting her bag down and embracing her friend. Her dog, the yellow lab mix Mike, hovered around their legs, tail waving but sensing that it wasn't a happy reunion.

Kelsey just hugged Kiki as Ray and Jack stood back and watched.

Raymond had blown in the night before, and the three of them had talked for a few hours. Ray was in agreement with Kelsey regarding not notifying the police.

"Nothing good can come of police involvement, especially now," he'd said. "If it were a stranger, under different circumstances, possibly, but the publicity from something like this could destroy her career."

"Hold on a minute!" Jack was up, pacing around the living room like a curly-haired panther, an image only enhanced by the scratches on his face. "What about her life?" He glared at Ray, who sat on the sofa with a glass of wine and looked up at him impassively. "What about her health? I mean, she's on the pill, so pregnancy's not an issue, but that animal didn't use a condom. What about STIs? She needs--"

"I'm not saying she shouldn't see a doctor, Jack," Raymond interrupted. "On the contrary, she definitely needs to be examined as soon as possible. In fact, Doctor Shapiro is coming by tomorrow." He looked over at Kelsey, who sat in the corner of the love seat Jack had recently vacated, looking very small and vulnerable in Jack's clothes. "I'm just saying the less publicity there is about this, especially in official channels, the better."

Jack looked slightly mollified when he heard this information, and they'd gone to bed shortly after this, with not much else resolved.

Now, though, with Kiki there, perhaps some more decisions could be made.

"I'm so glad you're here," Kelsey said, finally releasing Kiki to give her a tremulous smile.

"Me too, girlfriend, though I wish it were under different circumstances, if I'm being honest," Kiki replied.

Kiki put her stuff in the spare bedroom and came downstairs, taking a seat in the family room.

"Thank you, Jack, for contacting me," she said, smiling at him, nodding, making her curls bounce.

He nodded back at her as he sat next to Kelsey and put an arm around her.

"So, is there any possibility that this asshole will be arrested?" Kiki asked, looking around. "Or does he just get away with this, like he does everything else in his miserable, slimy life?"

Kelsey looked at Kiki in surprise. "I thought you liked Don!" she said, eyebrows raised.

"I've never liked that snake," Kiki replied with spirit. "And I can tell you now that you know what he's really like that he's come on to me too many times to count."

Kelsey sat up. "What? Why didn't you tell me, Kiki?"

Kiki shrugged. "Honestly? I'm used to it, and you didn't seem really serious about him. He seemed to be more good than bad for you, and I didn't want to take that away from you." Her expression got serious. "I wish I had, now, though, I really wish I had."

Dr. Shapiro, Kelsey's doctor, arrived just then, and Kelsey rose to go upstairs with her.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Kiki asked, looking at Kelsey's face.

Kelsey swallowed and nodded, and the three of them left the room, leaving Jack and Ray alone. Mike wanted to go with them, but Kiki ordered him to stay, and he flopped down by Jack's feet, watching his mistress go upstairs with sad eyes.

"Now, you might have some 'knight in shining armor' complex about avenging her honor or some such romantic shit," Raymond began as soon as the women had left.

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