Heeeeyyyy! I've recently been tagged by my crazy insane friend Froakie0668. So I'm gonna answer a few questions, tag some random people and feel free to go a follow that crazy werido up above.
1.) Do I like someone?
I don't know, maybe.
2.) Do they like me?
Lol, nobody would.
3.) Middle name?
My middle name is actually the name I go by on wattpad so it's Nichelle. Kinda like Michelle but with an N.
4.) Single or taken?
Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody fooooor my own.
This obviously isn't twenty but I don't follow that many peoole. I just put down people I follow and then people with cool usernames or profile pics (I got lazy half way through). Annnyywayys....thanks for reading and all that byyyyyee.