Natsu x Reader

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Your POV

'I just left my home town and now was on my way to Fairy Tail' I thought as I was walking to the guild known as Fairy Tail I heard that my old childhood friend was there and her name is Lucy. I'm very surprised because that guild is known for messing up towns and Lucy was never like that when we were kids in fact she always yelled at me when I didn't clean up my mess. As I was thinking that a pink haired boy landed on top off me so hard that it made me pass out.

Natsu's POV

I was trying to run away from Erza because she had gotten mad at me for writing on her face while she was sleeping 'Why did I do that?!' I thought to myself and then I fell off the side of a cliff and I landed on top of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and then I noticed she was passed out I quickly jumped up and tried to wake her up but she was out cold so I picked her up and next thing I know I turn around and Erza sucker punched me so hard I dropped the girl and flew back until I hit a wall. As soon as I noticed it was Erza I got scared and then she said "That's for writing on my face while I was sleeping now tell me why you were trying to carry this girl." well I explained everything to her about how I fell off the cliff and landed on her making her pass out and i also told her that I was going to take her back to our place to make sure she was okay "Okay let's get her back to our place." Erza says

~Time skip by Natsu's Fire Dragon Roar~

Your POV

I woke up in someone's house and totally freaked out and then a girl with red hair told me to calm down and she told me I passed out so they brought me back to their temporary house to make sure nothing happened to me then I started to calm down then a guy came in the room where I was. AND HE WAS WEARING NOTHING BUT BOXERS!!! I quickly covered my eyes then the girl said "Its alright he does that all the time its kind of a habit of his. Oh and I never got the chance to introduce myself I am Erza Scarlet." then the guy who was half naked said "And I am Gray Fullbuster."(hoped I spelled that right!) then I uncovered my eyes and saw that he had his hand out to shake my hand I took his hand and shook it then I noticed that he had a mark on his chest and I noticed that was the mark of Fairy Tail! "Are you apart of Fairy Tail?" I said Erza then replied "Yes.Why do you ask?"

"I was heading there and was going to see if I could join because I heard my old childhood friend Lucy Heartfillia was there and I haven't seen her in forever and I wanted to find her again."

I said. then Erza offers you food and you accept it gladly and while you were eating she tells you that Lucy was with them and I got so excited I almost went on a rampage looking for her in the house that's when the door at the end of the hallway opened and a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes came out "What's all the noise about is Gray and Natsu fighting again?" she asked "No this girl went on a rampage just looking for you claiming that you are her childhood friend." Erza says "Yeah! Don't you remember me Lucy?" I said

Lucy's POV

I was woke up by some loud banging around the house "Oh no those two idiots are at it again" I said to myself we I opened my door I asked if they we're fighting and to my surprise I see my old childhood best friend she asked if I remember her and I say "Of corse I do I could never forget you!"

Normal POV

After you guys remember old times Erza says we have to leave and Lucy drags you to a vehicle and Erza tells Gray to get some guy named Natsu. You sat up front with Erza and ask questions about the vehicle and you soon arrive at the guild. As soon as you open the door Erza tells you to go to the bar and talk to MiraJane about getting your guild mark

Your POV

So Erza tells me to go to the bar and talk to MiraJane about the guild mark. When I got there I asked "Hi, what can I do about my guild mark Erza told me to ask you about it." of corse I know who MiraJane is she's a popular bikini model from all the magic magazines! "Well where would you like it put and in what color?" MiraJane asked "Well right here (you point to your bicep on your left arm ) and I would like it in (your favorite color) please!" I said "Okay." she stamped my arm with the guild mark and then that boy with the pink hair ran to me "WE GOT A NEW MEMBER!" He yelled "Um..." I said

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